My Apologies

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Lila and I take a seat at Mr Damocles's desk as he shuts the door then walks over briskly, seating himself on the opposite side. He looks sterner than usual, which I don't take as a good sign.

"You girls are in big trouble, you hear me? What you did is absolutely not tolerated here."

"Sir, if I may, what exactly did we do?" I ask, clearly confused as to why we were being summoned here.

"Well, you tell me! Were you two harassing Chloe and Sabrina before the start of class?"

Harassing? What is he talking about? If he's talking about me scuffing her shoes then it was a complete accident. 

"Mr Damocles" Lila begins, with a smooth voice. "I am so sorry about whatever happened this morning, but I have no idea what you're referring to"

Good, Lila's gonna get this fixed. For once, I am so greatly appreciative of that girl's manipulative ways.

"Miss Rossi, I am referring to the big commotion this morning. Now don't you dare try to lie to me young lady, I will be checking the security footage"

"Of course, Mr Damocles, I would never lie to you! You're much too smart to allow a lie to get past you!"

"Thank you Miss Rossi" a flattered Principal Damocles says "Now, could you please tell me what happened this morning?"

"Yes sir. I was in the commons when I heard some shouting, and when I went to investigate, I saw y/n and Chloe arguing about something. I'm not exactly sure what happened before I got there, but I grabbed y/n's arm and brought her to the commons. I was hoping to avoid any kind of attention, but I guess didn't get there in time" Lila coos while wearing a sullen expression.

She totally just lied her way out of it at my expense! That little-

"Miss y/n, we do not tolerate this type of behavior here. Now I don't know what kind of manners they were teaching you in the United States, but harassing students is not acceptable here"

"But Principal Damocles, let me explai-"

"Miss Rossi I am very sorry for the inconvenience, you are dismissed to go back to class"

As Lila stood to leave, she gave me a sad smile before walking out the door. Wow, I really need to find new friends here.

"I will be getting ahold of your aunt, you are hereby suspended from Collège Françoise Dupont today effective through Wednesday"

A two days suspension? Seriously? I almost can't blame him though, considering the consequences he would be facing from Chloe if he were to ignore her. 

I stay seated at the desk while Principal Damocles calls my aunt, explaining the situation to her. I'm overcome with dread as I imagine the consequences I'll be facing once my aunt arrives.

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Neither of us has spoken the entire car ride to my aunts' job. After parking the car, we sit in silence for what felt like an eternity until my aunt finally speaks.

"I can't believe you y/n. Harassing a classmate? What has gotten into you?"

"I didn't harass anyone, I swear. I bumped into her on the way inside and she started yelling at me for no reason."

"Are you lying to me? You know how I feel about lying."

"I promise you, I'm telling the truth. The principal only took her side because if he didn't then Chloe would have called her dad up there, who happens to be the mayor, which would just cause even more trouble."

After a brief moment of silence, my aunt begins speaking once more.

"I want to believe you, I really do y/n, but with what's already happened I'm just not sure I can right now. We can discuss this again later when we get home, but right now I've got patients I need to check on. Are you fine staying in the lobby until I finish my shift?"

I nod my head, no longer in the mood to talk. We exit the car and walk towards the hospital, going directly to the second floor of the Cardiology department. Once inside, I sit down in a chair in a secluded area of the lobby while my aunt begins making her rounds. 

A few hours have passed with no excitement. I text Luka and tell him about my suspension, letting him know not to swing by my house before school tomorrow. He replies back with a simple 'Ok ' then follows his reply with another message.

Luka: Could I swing by your place after my shift later tonight? 

Y/n: Sure, you might have to sneak in through my window though since I'm most definitely grounded.

Luka: Alright, see you @8?

Y/n: See you then

After hitting send, I walk up to the receptionist desk where Sylvie, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and greying hair, sits. 

"Hey, hun! What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering if there's anything I could do to help"

"Of course sweetheart! You could stop by the rooms in the recovery unit and check the manila envelopes hanging on the doors, and any of the envelopes that are marked 'Cardiology Department' I need you to grab the stack of papers in the folders."

"On it"

I make my way through the twisty hallways until I get to the recovery unit, and I begin checking folders, grabbing the papers I need. 

Twenty minutes later, I get to the last stretch of the hallway. I begin checking the first door, then the second, but something's different once I reach the third door. Unlike the other rooms, there is a curtain drawn, hindering my view of the patient in the bed. The other weird thing I notice is that the manila envelope isn't hanging on the door like the others, instead, it sits on a table on the far wall across from the patients' bed.

I begin to question whether or not I should walk in to retrieve it. The rules state that no one is to enter patients' rooms without the proper authentication, but on the other hand I am technically supposed to retrieve the papers in the envelopes. Deciding against my better judgment, I quickly enter the room, planning on grabbing the papers then leaving immediately. 

As I reach the folder, a strong voice begins speaking to me.

"Who are you?"

I turn around, ready to apologize and explain my reason for intrusion when I realize who's laying in the bed. With his sharp grey eyes and light blonde hair neatly combed back, there is no mistaking him.

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