Chapter One

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Melody wore a casual outfit today. She had on a pink sweater and white jeans with converse. Nothing to scandalous. Her pastel purple hair was pulled into a messy bun she wore her wore circle white glasses. Melody is not a nerd or a popular girl or anything like that. She's a basic girl.

She goes to school gets good grades, has a good home, 2 older brothers. Loving family. She tipically has a good life no problems. Except her parents are old fashioned. There homophobic, and believe in the whole women raise kids husband's work kinda thing. None the less I love them.

Melody has two best friends Chelsea and Mark. They have sleep overs together mark included. Because Chelsea is a lesbian mark is gay. Of course her parents don't know that. They honestly hope that mark knocks Melody up so she can give them grand babies, marry mark, and have a good life as they call it.

None of that is what Melody desires. She likes to paint, write and read. She wants to travel maybe go to Maine. Deep down though she knows none of that can happen her parents would not approve of that.

She walk up to her friends. A smile on her lips like always her eyes sparkling  in the light.

"Hey girl hey." Mark greets laughing.

"Hey Mel." Chelsea greets.

"Hey guys your ready for that party tonight?" Melody asked smiling.

There is a party tonight and Melody has been excited all week. She's never been invited to a party especially not a rich kids party. Now most girls would find that a bit suspicious but she innocent and doesn't care.

"Of course we can get ready at my place." Chelsea says happily.

"Ok so I'll see you all then?" Melody asked happily.

"Yeah see ya there." Mark smiles softly.

They spilt ways and head to classes. Melody heading to reading. She smiled at the teacher as she walked in. Her smile always seemed to make other feel happy. She was such a joy to be around. Everything and everyone seemed to dance with color cause she was in the room.

There's one person who thinks the world of Melody and does everything to protect her. She doesn't personally know her but still likes to see her happy smile and joyus laughter.

Melody took a seat in her first period to begin class. She took out her reading textbooks, paper, pencil, and anything else she might need to prepare for class.

Now Melody never was one to judge but there's one boy who brings a bad vibe around him. He was the one throwing the party. Melody doesn't like him and is to naive to see what's right in front of her. His name is David.

It's as if her eyes are closed to all the bad around her. If she only opens her eyes she would see the world in a different light.

Melody focused into class the moment the teacher started talking. A girl sat in class admiring her.

Ths girl sees the world in a totally different light. Seeing everything Melody fails to see. This is why she wants to protect her. Now she wasn't invited to the party. She was gonna go anyways. She felt a terrible feeling about tonight's party and to be persise about Melody and David. Her name is  Alexis and her reputation is terrible.

Before Melody knew it lunch rolled around. The day seeming to fly by. She sat with Chelsea and Mark smiling at them.

Melody locked eyes with Alexis a girl that always seemed to watch her. Unlike the off setting feeling she gets from David Alexis's eyes made her feel safe.

Melody looked up breaking eye contact. David stood up and walked twords her.

Another girl seemed scared for Melody. This girl sat alone at lunch, class, always alone.

David smiled at Melody and began to speak. "Hey pretty lady." He hit on her.

She looked behind him and caught a glimpse of Alexis. She was tense her jaw clenching. Her eyes burned with a firey hate for David.

Melody smiled at David's complement. "Hello David."

"You going to my party tonight?" He inquired.

"Yes of course I am. Your the only person to ever invite me to a party." Melody smiled up at the taller male.

"Really? That's odd you such a sexy girl why would no one invite you?" He asked his question more to himself then to her.

Melody just smiled up at him. Her eyes laced with innocence that David yearned to take from her.

He took her hand and pulled her up. He quickly dragged her out of the school. Melody looked up confused.

"We're gonna hang out for a bit I wanna get to know you plus all you have left is art and gym." David smiled.

Alexis had looked away for a few seconds when she looked back Melody and David were gone and she had no clue where they were.

Melody's POV

David drove in his truck pulling up next to the woods. He stepped out jestering me to follow.

I got out and followed closely behind him. We were now in the middle of a forest and I had no clue where he was taking me.

David turned to face me a sinister smile plays on his lips. I got scared. I decided to run.

I back away slowly when there's a good distance I turn around and run. Running through the woods. Tearing through branches and bushes.

As I was running I was tackled to the ground by David. He sat on my wait pinning my wrist to the ground my eyes fill with tears.

Rape TW

He leans down and kisses me. I began to struggle under his grasp. When he puts his tongue in my mouth I bite down hard.

He pulls back immediately. He slaps me in my face my head turning. He grabs my jaw and forces me to hold his gaze.

Tears flowing down my cheeks as he unbottoned my pants pulling the zipper down.

"Let me go." I growl out.

He leans down into my neck kissing it while speaking. "No your gonna take what I give you. You can cry, scream, fight no one is going to save to." He whispered.

"Help me! Help someone please!" I cry out her grabs my throat chocking me.

He pulls out a needle and pushes it into my neck. He pushes the fluid into my neck. My body goes limp I can't move or speak. I can still feel everything though.

Rape done

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