Chapter Two

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Melody came to eventually he'd left her in the woods hours ago. Her body ached from switch marks. She could feel dry blood on her thighs. Her mouth was ripped the corners bled.

Purple and red marks littered her body. Her body still tied up with ropes. Her neck had a chain on it like a dog. It wrapped around her throat and tied to a tree.

Tears stained her face. Her hair had leaves, dirt, and branches in it. Her pink sweater lay ripped beside her body. Her pants were thrown somewhere. One shoe remained on.

Melody felt her fingers begin to twitch moving slightly. Her body twitches slightly as her muscles were becoming unparlized. Melody wiggled her way out of the ropes that had loosened over time. She began to crawl.

She crawled to her pants slipping them on slowly. She saw her bra and clipped it back on what she couldn't find was her panties. She grabbed her sweater though it was to torn up to wear. Under her sweater was her other shoe she quickly slipped it on as well.

Melody stood up her brain clearing she began to rember the way out. She turned and began to walk twords the road.

When she exited the forest she got on the side of the road. Slowly walking wobbling every so often. Her body ached and she felt weak. She finally after about two hours made it onto the main road.

Sadly she did not recognize the area. She kept walking. A car pulled up beside her. She intently recognized the person in the driver seat. It was Alexis a girl know to be in a gang. She had her windows already down and was smoking.

Once she saw Melody she quickly jumped out and ran over to her. Melody collapsed in her arms unable to stand any longer.

Alexis gently lifted me into her old beat up truck. She reclaimed the driver seat. She pulled a blanket out from behind her chair. She sliped her flannel off showing her tattoos. Alexis helped Melody to put on the flannel. She buttoned it up for her so she wasn't exposed. Sliding a blanket over her body Alexis smiled.

Once she saw David she was going to murder him. How dare her touch what's hers. Harm her in such away.

Sadly Melody was straight and Alexis knew it. Alexis sighed as she drove. She was going to have to take Melody to her house she was knock out cold.

Alexis pulled up her driveway. She glanced over at the sleeping angel. She smiled softly even with all these marks and stuff she was beautiful.

Alexis got out and walked to the front door she opened it to be greeted by her dog Lady. She walked back to the care opening the passenger door. She leaned into the car and pulled Melody into her arms using as little movement as possible. Melody was quick to snuggle into the heat of Alexis's body. Alexis gently shut the car door with her hip. The turned ND carried her inside.

She shut the front door behind her shoshing Lady. She carried her up to her bed and laid melody down. She softly cover Melody's body with the comforter. Lady jumped on the bed and snuggled up to Melody.

Alexis sighed she let the dog sleep there seeing as Melody was petting Lady in her sleep.

Alexis turns and walks out closing the door. She walks downstairs to her computer. Opening the laptop it lit up asking for the password. She put in her dogs birthday and the screen showed "access granted" before showing her desktop.

Alexis clicked on one of her files titled Thomas Andrews. She scrolled through looking for his where abouts which she was positive she had.

There was pictures, crimes, vichels, past jobs, current job, his DNA, parents, siblings, and other family members. Hell she even had his finger prints. Eventually she came across his where abouts. He was one of there members he'd been sent to spy on the rivals turns out he was actually spying on them for the rivals. Crazy right?

"He's a damn good actor. I mean he did take drama class in highschool." Alexis said to herself.

She took a picture of his last know where abouts and sent it to Yassy. Her nickname is Yassy cause she's sassy and her name is Yasmin.

Alex: That's his last know where abouts.

Yassy: ok we can check them out tomorrow.

Alex: I have something and or someone I need to deal with first. I need the gang here at 4am. We need to dissguse somthing that happened after I left the warehouse.

Yassy: I'll send a group message.

Alexis smiled before getting a message from The Urban Snipers. She did not come up with the name her great great great grandfather did. Her dad only ever had daughters so she took over when he passed cause she was the oldest. It kinda reminds her of a wolf pack or like another more violent family.

Urban Snipers

Yassy: meeting at Alex's house 4am.

Xander: Be there.

Viper: alright I'm there.

Sharpie: Be there at 4am sharp.

Alex: see ya guys then.

Alexis smiled to herself. Xander was the newest member and was yet to get a nickname. They all had nicknames.

Viper was because he's venomous as a snake and has no mercy. We were gonna call him venom but sharpie got drunk one night and called him viper it just kinda stuck. His real name is Aries his parents love Greek mythology.

Sharpie well his is kinda obvious when you see him. His hair is as yellow as a sharpie and he's a sharp shooter. His name is actually Gaven.

Alex well that's Alexis. Her dad's name was Alex he wanted something similar for his first born in case she took over. So he and her mother agreed on Alexis. They all call her Alex because A it's short for Alexis B it was her dad's name. She's the one who does most the computer work.

Alexis sighs she was worried of the rumors David would spread about poor Melody. Such a pretty name honestly.

Alexis covers up with a blanket on the couch laying down on a pillow. She had a hard time falling asleep. Her mind was racing with potential rumors. Each one becoming worse and making her anger rise.

Eventually she managed to fall asleep at 12 am. To sleep until the others arrive.

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