chapter 2 : "the assets"

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□hey your finally awake□

alice opens her eyes. she sees the nightmare standing around

□c'mon alice. we better go□ said bonnie

alice stands up. she stretches her arms

□where are we going agaim bonnie-dono ?□ ask alice

□were going to italica. to your order remember□ said bonnie

□oh y-yes□ said alice

"heres your sword" chica handed her sword

□thank you□ said alice

"your welcome sweetheart"

bonnie then carries her. and she is sitting in his shoulder

□ready for anlther trip alice□ said bonnie

□hai□ said alice


in a grassland near the forest

while in the middle of the jouney. fredbear sense... a threat


"whats is it fredbear" ask chica

"something hostile is coming..."

he turns around to the grassland. in the distance.. he sees bandits riding horses with weapons

"we need to hide now !!"

fredbear runs toward the forest as fast as he can. followed by the rest

□w-whoa□ alice hold on

□hold on alice. we got bandits behind us□

alice looked behind and indeed a group of bandits. her eyes wides open

□hurry bonnie !□ said alice


these bandits are searching for the lost bandits yesterday. they've stumble across footprints of a giant

□look !.. these footprints□

□they looked giant□

□there so many of them□

bandits were stunned to see giant footprints in the ground

□their heading that way !□

a bandit said. they now following the footprints of the giants

|meanwhile. a few distance away. the RT3 and the refugees on the road|

the RT3 is leading a caravan of refugees. yesterday. the red dragon attacked them and killed refugees..

《meanwhile with itami's truck》

kurata now is inspecting the taser given. he wonders if the subjects could appeared

^hey... lt.^ said kurata

^yeah what is it^ said itami as he is driving

^remember about the subjects^ said kurata

itami then forgot. the subjects !. they forgot to found the subjects !

^chikuso..^ itami swears

^are we going back ?.. like finding the subjects^ ask kurata

^hmm.. we need to bring these refugees first.. it'll be hard to find with these refugees^ said itami

^what subject~^

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