chapter 34: What's wrong with Amber?

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Charlie POV's 

I wake up to Officer Brandon yelling my name in some kinda room I didn't know where I was or where Amber was, but I still remember the screct that she told me and Andy handing me a drink and passed out from the drink. "Charlie" I heard Brandon yelled. I opened my eyes  and look at Caleb and Brandon "Where am I" I asked sitting up and holding my head "Caleb get her an ice pack" Brandon told Caleb. "Will do" Caleb said walking out the door. "Officer Brandon what the hell you doing here, Where is here" I said looking at him confused of where in hell I was "Your in a hospital." "Me and Caleb found you passed out behind the house, but wheres Amber" Brandon said looking at me  "I don't know really" I said to him so serious that he had this face that said it all "We have to find her" Brandon said when Caleb walked in the room with an ice pack "Amber is missing again" I said looking at Caleb "Then let's get to wrong and fine her" Caleb said. 

While Charlie and the two hot officers Amber sees another officer outside the window tapping on the window 

Amber POV's

I heard tapping noises outside my window, I walked to the window and opened it "Who is out here" I asked "An officer, I was sent by Officer Brandon and Officer Caleb" he said on a branch of a tree "So who are you Officer" I asked letting him coming in throught the window "I'm Officer Gavin, but you can call me Gavin"  Gavin said climbing in my room "Are you here to save me" I asked looking at. Damn he was hot from his black hair to his bangs moved to the lefted side and his voice and his eyes I could stare all day, Damn what is wrong with me "Well kinda, Brandon told me to wait unitl he messages me back" Gavin said grinning "Oh ,so I'm just suppose to surive and let Andy use me like he use too" I said confused "Yes but-" Gavin was about to finish when Andy knocked on the door. Gavin ran in my closet and Andy swung the doors opened to my room "What Andy" I asked him looking at the closet "You ok" Andy asked me looking around "Yep I'm fine" I said looking at him "Ok" Andy said reaching for my hair and moving it to the right side of me and travling it down unitl there was no more hair to travl with "Your hair has gotten so long since I last saw you" Andy told me grinning. I just stood quietly, didn't struggle and move away "I hope you will be easier this time then the last time" Andy said kissing my lips softly and moving his hands to my lowwer back side "Like  I said I know the sex will be sooner or later I just hope it wont be tomorrow or tonight" I said softly to Andy. He moves his hands and I exhale has he steps back "Yes of course good night Amber" Andy said leaving the room. 


Next on Kidnappened For Love 

"So Gavin what's the plan" "Amber you don't listen do you" Gavin chukled a little "I know when a hot guy is around though" I said smiling and blushing crazy inside. Did I say hot I meant  sexy damn...

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