Chapter Four

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    "Did you move, the walk seems longer?" asked the Doctor.

"No, maybe your just getting old," said Rose.

"I'm only 900 years old," he said.

"Yah only," laughed Rose.

As they approached the apartment building a woman called out, "Rose is that you?"

"Yah mum it's me," she said.

"Jackie!" shouted the Doctor. He ran up to the 2nd floor to where she was standing.

"Yes, who are you?" she asked.

"Im the Doctor,the real one," he said.

       Rose came up behind him and said "Its true mum, its really him."

"Come here you," he said and went in for a hug.

Rose couldn't help but smile.

"How about you come in for a cup of tea," said Jackie.

The Doctor nodded, "That sounds good." T

hey entered the home and walked into the kitchen. Mr.Tyler was sitting in his chair. He heard Jackie laughing and talking with someone in the kitchen. He stood up firmly, went in the kitchen and asked,

       "Who's this bloke!?," he yelled.

The Doctor took a sip of his tea the said, "Mr.Tyler good to see you again."

Mr.Tyler looked at all of them then asked, "Again who's this bloke!?"

"Oh my apologies sir, I'm the Doctor. The real one not the clone that lives with you here now."

Mr.Tyler shook his head. "Sorry for shouting mate and please call me Pete."

The Doctor nodded, "Ok Pete."

Jackie gave a cup of tea to Pete and Rose.

        "So Doctor what have you been up to?" asked Pete. "

Just traveling with companions," he said.

"So you've had others beside Rose?" said Pete.

"Dad please," said Rose.  

"Its alright Rose and yes I have," replied the Doctor.

Pete took a sip of his tea before saying "How many?"

The Doctor looked over at Rose. He could tell that she was anger with her father. He looked down and said "Three."

"Only three!" said Pete with anger in his voice.

      "Dad it's fine. I've meet them and were friends," said Rose.

Pete rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen.

Jackie sighed "Your gonna have to forgive him, he's been a bit of temperamental lately."

"Uh yes well thank you for the tea but now I really must be going. I need to see what's wrong with the TARDIS." He walked over towards the door with Jackie and Rose following close behind him. Jackie gave him a hug goodbye.

     "Don't be stranger your always welcome here," She smiled at him.

"Thank you Jackie," he said then walked out.

Rose walked out behind him but her mum called her back. "Let me know first if your going off traveling with him, alright."

Rose nodded with a smile "I will mum, I promise." She hurried out the door to catch up with the Doctor.

"Your father seems well not the same as I remember," said the Doctor as they were walking.

     "I know he's been really temperamental and tense. It all started after Tony was born," said Rose.

"Oh that's right you have brother I forgot. Where was he, cause I didn't seem him.

"Oh he was napping," replied Rose.

The Doctor nodded "That makes since, you know I speak baby."

Rose looked at him "I used to know almost everything about you and now I don't. Its like I'm a stranger who just met you," said Rose with a bit of sadness. He looked over at her and placed his hands on her shoulder.

     He looked into her eyes and said "Your not a strange, your actually far from it. Sure I might look different, talk different and have new things I can do but, I'm still the same person. I'm still the same Doctor."

Rose smiled a bit "Yah?" He nodded and wrapped his arm around her. After a while they got near the TARDIS but that's not all they got near.

"Daleks," gasped Rose as she saw them.

"But how did they get here?"

The Doctor straightened his bow tie and said "I dunno but let's find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2013 ⏰

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