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-Omg Amity! Are you okay??

As Luz searched in the big pink cloud that was formed around her friend——girlfriend (she can't get used to that word), she bumped into a tiny form.

The human bent down, chasing the smoke around her and what she assumed was Amity's body.

And it was.


Instead of the familiar purple hair that the witch had, she was met by short brown puff.

Only then she realized that amity's size, who was once a little bit taller than Luz's, was now half of the human's size.

Nor tinier.

The little Amity coughed, sitting and opening her big yellow eyes, taking her surroundings.

She looked terrified and looked around frantically, like she was searching someone.

-Who...who are you?! she squealed with a tiny voice of a child.

She tried getting away from Luz when the human placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. don't remember me??

-Where am I where is my mother??continued to whimper the baby Amity, clinging to her pocket size uniform.

Oh no
The potion turned her into her younger self, Luz thought,back at the time she didn't know me, she assumed.

I need to take her to Eda.

-Hey hey it's okay...I'm Luz, Luz Noceda! She said gently not to startle the kid. You've had a...

She paused, balancing between telling the truth or lying.

-A sickness...yea! You blacked out a little had fever...and I'm a healing assistant!

Baby Amity looked at her curiously.

-I don't...I don't remember anything...

-yea yea it's a side effect of the sickness! I was about to take you to the healer to cure you! I promise you you can trust me!

She offered her hand to baby Amity, who hesitantly took it.

-Come on! We have a long way to the healer!


The owl lady jumped from her seat, staff in the hand.


-No one is attacking Eda.

Eda flopped into the couch and signed.

-It better be important kid, for disturbing my nap like that.

Luz flew around the living room and stopped in front of her.

-It's Amity she...

Luz made a step to the right, revealing a 6 years old brown haired witch, clinging into her hoody. She was eyeing the owl lady anxiously, and half of her body was hidden behind Luz.

-Hey Amity it's okay she's the healer who's gonna help you! Meet Eda the owl lady! comforted the human.

Amity shyly waved, then revealed herself. She looked down, a little bit flushed.

-Hello Miss Eda.

-Um m hello kiddo, said Eda awkwardly.

Luz forced a smile and bent down to Amity's side.

-I'm gonna speak to the healer in private for a sec, you can stay with king while waiting for us okay?

-Did someone say king??

The little demon appeared from nowhere and got up on the couch, wearing the grom crown.

-Aww doggy! exclaimed Amity as she ran towards the demon. Can can I...

-Yes I'm sure he don't bite! laughed Luz

-I'm not a dog! And I bite! exclaimed king, making his squill of rage when the kid scooped him.

He was interrupted by Amity scratching his neck.

-Oooo this is goood!

Profiting from this instant eda pulled Luz away from the pair and asked:

-What happened kid?

-Um we kinda got in a potion accident and now she is...this.

Eda massaged her forehead.

-How many times did I tell you guys to not play with potion! So anyway, it looks like a truth potion. Normally it goes away without any problems within few hours. But she might loose her memory or have some childhood flashbacks there and here. Nothing very dangerous in general!

Luz felt released.

Eda scratched her hair and continued:

-But it's better if she stays the night here. Knowing odalia, she wouldn't be happy to see her daughter like that.

-Okay no problem I've already babysit before it will be easy!


Yay first chapter :D

(The art above is mine don't worry about credits)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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