Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Waking up this morning, I see Mae laying on top of me, clinging on like a koala to a tree. She had her arms wrapped around me with her head snuggled up under my chin. The feeling is nothing short of amazing.

Last night when she told me that she already fell, I knew that I had to tell her that I was in love with her. I had to do it in person, so I rushed over not answering her. I didn't think about her thinking that she scared me off. The only thought on my mind was telling her that I love her.

I had no idea that she would ask me to stay over, but it was hands down the best night of my life. There is nothing like being with the one you love. I have never made love with someone, it has always just been a hook-up at most.

"What time is it?" I hear this small groggy voice whisper out.

"It's still early. You have another hour or so." I kiss the top of her head and feel her fall back to sleep.

"I really, really love you, Alex." She says as she falls asleep.

My heart skips a beat as I hear this. She keeps getting more and more perfect every day. I feel myself drifting back off and I hold her a little tighter as I do.


I'm sitting at my desk working when I hear a knock on my door. As the door opens I see my new assistant Mark followed by a woman. Mark leads her into my office and I give him a questioning look. I generally don't deal with that many people in my office so I'm confused.

"Alex, Sir this is Stephanie and she is going to be filling in for me while I am out when my wife has the baby." As soon as he says those words I feel like a complete jackass. I forgot that he and his wife were expecting.

"Oh, good please have a seat. Has Mark filled you in on what your jobs duties will be?" I look at the woman and want to cringe.

She is dressed in a form-fitting outfit that is borderline inappropriate. She has her makeup practically caked on, and her perfume is over the top loud. I notice her nails, and I feel like I am in some sort of comedy sketch. Her nail is way too long and curls in a way that can't possibly be comfortable. Her movements are slow and to be honest, she makes me think of a sloth.

"He did. He let me know that you and I are going to be working very closely." She tries to sound breathless and it comes out sounding like she's wheezing.

I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at this. For some reason, girls come into my office to work thinking that they are going to be having some kind of romantic relationship with me. I have never given any of them the idea that I was interested in anything of that kind. I have strict rules for myself and dating in the office. It doesn't happen. I decide to cut this off before it even starts.

"Stephanie, I want to remind you that you are here solely for the purpose of filling in for Mark. I have no interest in any type of relationship with you other than boss and employee. If you can't professionally handle yourself then I think we may need to search for someone else."

"Why I never!" She gasps and gets up and immediately stomps her way over to me. "I have you know that I have never been turned down before!"

"Well, you have now." I don't feel the need to say anything else.

She turns and stomps her way out of my office and straight to the elevator. It is comical how she looks like a pouting child who has been told to clean her room instead of having fun outside. Mark looks at me with wide eyes and I find it hard to keep the laughter in. As soon as she is in that elevator with the door closed I die with laughter.

"Did you really think that she was going to work out?" I get out in between laughs.

"I had no idea that she would act that way. She had great references, everyone loved her!" He starts to crack up. "I'm sorry but that woman's trying to be seductive was the biggest turn-off I have ever seen."

We continue to laugh and not long after I hear another knock on my door. Xavier walks in with a shit-eating grin on his face and I have no idea what is going to come out of his mouth. I calm myself down from laughing and give him a look that says out with it.

"I have no clue where to start. The monstrosity that ran from your office yelling about not knowing a good thing when you see it. Or the fact that you haven't been sleeping at home for two nights running." Mark takes that as his cue to leave.

"Alright let's hear it. I know it's killing you to not say anything." I sit back and wait for my best friend to give me the ribbing of a lifetime.

"Oh, I'm not going to tease you, man. Well, at least not about not sleeping at home. But Dude that girl that ran from your office was nothing short of crazy." He chuckles as he sits down in front of my desk. "Who's the lucky lady?"

"Who says that it is because of a woman?" I raise my brow at him.

"Come on man. You never stay anywhere other than your house. the only times you have in the last ten years are trips or hook-ups. Is it Mae?" He smiles at me.

"Yeah. I have fallen for her hard." I tell him not being able to even look him in the eye.

"You've only known her for a few days." I finally look at Xavier only to see a ghost of a smile on his face.

Xavier knows how hard it has been for me to find anyone that I thought I could be interested in. So for me to tell him I've fallen for someone it is a huge deal. To be honest I don't know that I have ever been completely in love with someone. I've liked girls but it never went any further.

"Are we talking love?" He asks already knowing the answer.

"Yes. Completely and helplessly in love with Mae." I give him a full megawatt smile.

"Man, I'm happy for you. I could tell you liked her at the tasting and then to watch the two of you on that date was pretty funny. Although that shit you two pulled in the store was crazy. I have never been more embarrassed in my life. Chelsea likes Mae a lot too." He smiles back at me and he seems genuinely happy for me.

"I never thought that I would fall in love this fast, but she is just perfect for me. She's gorgeous, even if she has no clue that she is. She's kind and super funny. I lose track of time talking to her, and don't get me started on the physical chemistry." I say all this shaking my head.

"Did she tell anything about the cake yet?" He has a look of hope in his eyes.

"No, but I will say that you both gave her plenty of inspiration on the date. I think she has something awesome planned. She wants it to be a surprise." I smile at him, and I can see that even though he wants to know he is happy with the answer.

"I guess I should go run my company or something. See if she is up to go out to dinner this weekend. Chelsea would love to see her again." Xavier says as he walks out the door like he is the king of the world.

I pull out my phone and send her a quick text. I then email HR about finding someone else to fill in for Mark. I tell them that I would prefer a man, but that I will take whatever I can get as long as they know there are no romantic things ever going to happen.

I hear a ding and look down to see that Mae has answered me. I ask her about seeing her tonight and she agreed. I can't help the smile that comes to my face. This girl has me wrapped around her finger and I don't think she realizes it yet. I would do anything just to spend time with her.

No all I have to do is just keep myself busy for the next few hours so that I don't sit and just think about her all day. The more I think about her the closer I am to just leaving early to go sit and watch her work. Not that it would be creepy or anything.

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