Chapter 9

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The next morning was...awkward, to say the least.

As I approached the blooming fire where this morning's breakfast was being cooked, I noticed an empty space next to Levi and Connor.

I sat down next to them, and immediately they stopped eating to face me. Their eyes dug into mine, bewildered looks etched into their faces.

Probably because of Jo who was sitting across from us, staring daggers at me with a cloth tied around his throat. Blotches of crimson seeped through the material.

Levi leaned over, a hurried whisper shortly following. "What the hell happened last night?" he pressed, glancing over at Jo.

Connor leaned in closer as well, looking at me with the same question across his face.

"Uh...nothing?" I replied, trying to act casual.

"Yeah right." Connor scoffed. "Did you do that to him? God what I would've given to have been in your shoes. Bout time someone taught him a lesson."

Levi shoved him with his shoulder.

"What's with all the weird faces?" Ross joked as he approached, his lips pulled into a grin.

He plopped down next to me on the log, and I watched as his gaze fell on Jo. Now his face mirrored the others.

"What happened to him?" he asked with wide eyes.

I kept my head down, not wanting to relive last night at all. But with the way Jo burned holes into me with his eyes, it was becoming obvious to everyone that it had something to do with me.

It seemed that Ross caught on faster than the others.

His eyebrows furrowed together, his eyes flooding with anger as a concerned expression washed over his face. "Wendy, did he-"

"Come on guys, we got training today! Pan wants us practicing our arrow skills. Sum' about hog season coming up and us not having good enough aim last year." a boy shouted, suddenly interrupting us.

His skin was a deep tan from too many days out in the shadeless sun. Freckles blended with sun spots across his face, splashing over his nose that came to a point. His brunette hair was carefully pushed back, away from his forehead.

Connor laughed. "You mean because you didn't have good aim last year, Ethan."

A laugh bubbled in my throat, slipping past my lips.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Oh, whatever." he replied, before jogging off down a trail leading into the woods.

The rest of the boys quickly stashed their empty dishes away, following Ethan as he made his way down the cleared out path.

I exhaled a sigh of relief. Finally, I could get a break from the endless stares and comments.

"Come on, Pan doesn't like when we're late." Ross said, extending a hand out to help me up as he was now the last boy there with me.

So much for that break.

I held back a groan as I grabbed his hand, giving him a small smile in thanks. If only everyone could be as kind as Ross.

He led me down the dirt covered trail, his legs moving at a hurried pace. He was clearly in a rush, but made sure I was keeping up with him instead of leaving me in the dust.

I stole glances at him as we walked, my eyes unable to resist studying his features.

My gaze trailed over his gleaming hazel eyes, the sun drawing out the golden flecks hidden underneath.

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