♡Pesky little brother in-law♡

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Fugo keeps trying to ask Giorno out but Giornos pesky little brother keeps getting in the way.


"Listen dude. I'm not the best adviser when it comes to romance---" Yeah no shit, considering the fact that you have 6 failed romantic relationships, none of them hardly lasting a month, Mista.

"But, you guys are like, totally compatible right? Besides you're like childhood friends. This'll be a piece of cake for you man." He shrugged.

"First off, I'm not inclined to take any romantic advice from you of all people Mista..." Fugo started, Mista looked offended, but then shrugged afterwards because Fugo really wasn't that far off.

"Second of all. What if he gets tired of me? Like, I get angry way to much and he might get sick of it."

"But has been friends with you for all these years hasn't he? Obviously he won't get tired of you, I dunno man, I say go for it. I mean the worst he can say is no." Mista continued, shrugging it all off as if the word 'no' couldn't mean volumes if you analyze enough.
"You just don't get it!? Do you? You've had 6 ungenuine relationships of course the word 'no' wouldn't mean shit to you! It's different when it's real." He snapped, and honestly Mista couldn't deny it. It was true afterall.

"Well then go to Abba for advice of something then, cause I've got nothing. The bells going to ring soon anyways." He yawned, snatching his backpack and leaving the lunch room.

"H-hey! Wait!"

"Later alligator!" He heard from across the hall. There's no way he would ask Abba, not without something to give to him in exchange. Besides if he found out who it was, there's no question he'd turn him down anyways. Plus he'd laugh at him.

"How the hell am I supposed to ask out Giorno now?"

It wasn't rare of him, but he could barely focus in class. Not with all the other things plaguing his mind.
He stared out the window as he tapped his pen againts his desk (undoubtbly he's going to get called out sooner or later.)

Giorno was sitting across the room from him. Opposite of him, he was always paying attention to the lesson like a modest student. Did he really have a chance with him? Probably not, but his feelings are eating him alive, he'd have to come clean some day.

He didn't realise he was staring until Giorno caught him, he gestured his index finger to the paper in front of him, most likely suggesting that he'd get back to work. Fugo nodded and picked up his pen, acting as if he knew what he was doing. It didn't matter, he was probably going to pass this class either way.

Fugo found himself kicking rocks and discarded pop cans on the way home, like he always did when school ended. He was supposed to meet up with Trish so they could walk home together, but she went home early because of a cold. Hope she gets better.

"Hey!" Fugo heard, but decided to ignore it. He's not doing anything to catch anyone's attention is he? They're definetly not talking to him.

"Stop kicking those stupid cans and listen to me!" Yup, that was the final nail in the coffin. He sighed and with a tired, displeased face looked behind him. He met eyes with..a kid, most likely a year or two younger than him. He didn't recognize him though.

"Yeah?" He hummed, with a raised expression, he spoke up.

"My name is Donatello Versace, and I'm going to get straight to the point-"

"Leave my brother alone."




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