☆Did someone throw a rock at my head?☆

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just pure crack enjoy :P

"Name, Giorno Giovanna, age, 16 years old, blood type, AB, height, 157cm, date of birth, April 16th 1985."

"I know everything about you, Giorno Giovanna, and I also know that you're the leader of the infamous Passione, who single handedly massacred my team win their bare hands."

This man, Pannettone, despite being a member of the famiglia, never truly liked the way Passione was run, even when the boss was overthrown by some kid, he hated the way the entire thing was run and only stuck around because of the good pay.

But now everything's changed, he only thought this blonde brats new rule would only be a slight pain in the ass, but after he showed up and massacred his entire team for the simple reason of handling a few drugs behind his back. That was simply unforgivable, to the point where he had to come and get his revenge.

Now he's here, sitting on the highest point in the city and locking the Don of Passione in the sights of his sniper.

He was walking with his damn boot licker, Pannacotta Fugo, he's never left his side but in a situation like this he probably won't have to worry. As smart as he was he won't be able to uncover the fact that he was tailing the boss.

"Tch, some Don, what kind of boss goes out without any kind of cover and some lowly ass body gaurd." He sighed as he angled the sniper.

"But then again, he is just a kid so I shouldn't expect much." He waited as the sniper hooked onto the target, then waited for the right moment.

he waited.

And waited.


"This is the end for you."



"Hey Fugo, do you really think the tomatoes were necessary? I mean we already have enough at home so..." Giorno lifted the bag exclusive to those blood red fruits, the ones that he loathed for that matter. Until recently he never really hated tomatoes, not to say he liked them either but nowadays everytime he goes shopping with Fugo tomatoes are the first damn thing on the list for whatever reason.

"Yes, I realize that, but what you fail to understand is the fact that as long as Mista and Narancia are home we're just gonna keep running out anyways." Giorno shot the other blonde a confused look. The hell was he going on about?

"There just gonna keep throwing them at eachother, we keep running out so fast because of them. Why do you think we've been eatig sphaggetti plain lately?" Though that makes some sense, he doesn't think this much is necessary.
"Okay then, we'll if it's as important as you say, mind carrying a few bags so I don't drop them and they go splat every- Ow!" A loud BANG echoed throughout the plaza as Fugo noticed Giorno cock his head to the side and rub his head.

"The hell? Did someone just throw a rock at my head?" He complained.

Fugo shrugged, before something on the ground caught his eye. Giorno watched him as he went to pick it up.

"The hell!? What the fuck do you mean a rock, GioGio this is a fucking sniper bullet!" He screamed, Giorno blinked like twice before fully processing the situation at hand.

"Oh really? Damn." Was all he had to say.


"What an asshole." He finished.

"That's cool and all but we can deal with that later, kay? I really wanna get these tomatoes off my hands." He said, his voice as nonchalant as it always ways. By to be honest if you were a mafia boss shit like this comes daily, either you get used to it or you die.

"Drop that thing already. If they find your fingerprints on it, it's over for you."

"That's exactly why I shouldn't drop it. They'll find it if I do!"


"Good point."

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Panettone screamed before he could stop himself. What the fuck is with this absolute freak of nature! He doesn't care how trained or experienced this man is no way in hell he could survive a direct head shot from a sniper bullet! That things not fucking human!



"Did someone just call my name?"

"I'm starting to think the bullet actually did affect you."

Okay, attempt two, this time Panne came prepared.

And when he says prepared, he fucking means it with his poisoned blade knife, revolver, spiked ball and goofy ahh night vision goggles.

With all that said, he feels so weird sneaking into a minors room in a middle of the night. He may be some murder Lord who sells drugs to kids and shut but he ain't no p#do.

Whatever! Let's just get this over with.

He gripped the blade with all his strength. Look at him, sleeping so soundly after murdering an entire team. Well, now he's gonna sleep forever, even if he survives the stab wound the poison will get to him.

He swung his blade with all his might, watching with anxiety as the blade reached his head....

And bent.

"WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He shouted, and covered his mouth immediately after, watching helplessly as the blondes eyebrows started the flutter.

"Whah th-" The kid said as he sat up. He looked around, eyes landing on Pannettone.

"Who the fuck are you?" He started.

"And why do you look like a clown who was just told to get off the stage and got tomatoes thrown at him?" Ouch, words can hurt you mother fucker.

"You must not be able to tell because of the night vision goggles." He smirked as he ripped them off his head, if he was gonna die he was at least gonna die with some pride.

He saw as the kid narrowed his eyes upon seeing his face. Then suddenly they flew wide, as if he just realized something.

"Nah, not ringing a bell." What a damn brat. But it's fine, really, it's fine. He's given up, if he ends up dying and the message on his gravestone is "died trying to assassinate some weird ass stupid ass gay kid" (He's not homophobic he swears but he knows it's true cuz he's prolly dating that other blonde kid with anger issues tbh.) Then he'd rather go on living as the coward who left his gang for dead to be slaughtered by said kid.

"Well, whatever, I'm out. See ya." He said, heading to the shattered window.

"Hey GioGio what's wrong! Who screamed!" Pannacotta slammed the door open, his sleeping blindfold wrapped around his messy hair as he held a frying pan for protection.





Ave Maria

Word count- 1165

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