Why don't others realize the connections
they make,
are rare.
Only i do
i see the energy,
i feel the energy,
i am that energy,
that connection.
Are others blind?
Am I?
do i see what i wish to see,
and not what really there.
What are these feelings tho,
that come from the gut
What is that longing
my soul feels,
when we're apart
It's not me,
that feels that gut feeling
Do we both get that?
Or is it one sided?
do i feel,
because you do?
or do you feel it,
because i do?
Maybe it's just a tether
being pulled,
back and forth.
One pulls,
the other feels they need to pull too.
So maybe it is one sided.
Or maybe,
there was nothing there to begin with.
they pulled out of fear
and the other one followed.