Chapter 3 Emma's POV

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I was still lying on the ground with Gold's hands on my face. I had to stay calm, or he would see me as weak. "well, what are you waiting for!", I yelled, glaring at him straight in the face, but something is wrong with his eyes. "We are going on a little trip for awhile, dearie. But first things first." He said with a demented voice. He brought one of his hands away from my face and it began to glow on his palm, a bright green. My eyes flickered back and forth to his hand and to the creepy grin on his face growing bigger.


So I know i didn't wait till I got 3 comments, but i wanted to give you lovely readers a snippet of what the next chapter looks like and all you have to do is send a comment, to get the rest.

Thank you for everyone who commented! And here is the rest of the chapter.


A dagger suddenly appeared in his glowing hand, which turned the blade a dark crimson. " But first we need to get rid of all that pesky hope, Heheeei." Confusion was setting in until he stood me up with magic. He took his hand off my face and brought me into a half hug with the dagger in his other hand.(What in the world is he doing.)

The worst part about this situation is i can see Killian unable to move, i'm sure i would be shivering from the fear i felt clouding my heart. I couldn't let him win, so i started focusing on my magic to get him away.

Ok, focus, breathe, and... believe..., nothing happened i was stuck, standing, in the middle of dark magic.

The feeling of being imobilized is like being trapped in your own skin. My heart beat was racing and I'm sure he could hear it.

rumpelstiltskin, then turned to Killian and back to me as he did the most horrifieing thing in the world, he leaned toward me and KISSED ME ON THE LIPS! I wanted to scream, fight, do anything, but let him take control of me. I could see Killian's eyes read pain. Seeing him that way broke my heart. Gold, let me me out of the half hug and thrust his empty hand into my chest. It was so painful, but Killian had this horrible look in his eyes.

Gold grabbed on to my heartand tryed ripping it out, but he couldn't, he looked disapointed. He let go and pulled out his hand painfully. " Well, dearie I was so hoping it would go easier, than that." He suddenly grabbed me into a tight hug. He had an evil grin on his face again and thrust the dagger into my lower left side. But as the dagger reached the immobilizing spell broke on me.

I yelled more like screamed in agony as he pulls me in tighter and twists the in me. He suddenly rips the dagger out and pushes me to the ground,I make this excruciatingly loud sound that doesn't even seem human, suddenly, i feel super dizzy. When I remembered Killian, " You- you have to give his heart back." I breathed while trying to get up, I saw blood pooling already under me and Gold looks amused at my weak protest. but surprisingly a heart appeared in his other hand and practically jabs it into killian's chest. The spell breaks around his head and the first thing he does is...


so author's note, I would like to say sorry for this awful cliff hanger. But this time i want 5 comments before i update and please tell me what you think will happen or how you like it so far. Sorry for the short chapter but it was very eventful and scary, but any way i want to know wha you think Rumpelstiltskin's plan is. also after 3 comments i will give the beginning of the next chapter. I love you readers and thanks for reading.

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