The bitches came back

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Izuku's POV:(two months later one day before the festival)
Everyday  after I told them that I will not come back they came to see me they would look all over town for me and ask everyday for me to come back and Todoroki would hit on me all the time it was really get on my nerves but any way I'm going to the dance studio to practice for this damn festival and guess what I have a small baby bump anyways as I was walking I saw the bitches inside my damn studio then they had the nerve to come up to me " deku how are you today" Todoroki said with kind smile but it never made it to his eye they were filled with hatred " I'm fine but why are you guys here in my studio" I aske them and yes this is my studio they women who owned it gave it to me after she got married her and her husband are traveling the world anyway enough background information " you know why we are here please deku-kin come back you know you still want to be a hero it's in your blood" you can guess that pink cheeks said that I just laughed " apparently you guys assumed that being a villain was in my blood" just then the L.O.V walked in of course the Wannabe hero's try and attack but I stop that right in its tracks "no no fighting in my studio they did not come to fight this is a neutral zone  they can come here" " that is unhero like midoriya-San there is no such things as a neutral zone I must ask you to move so we can apprehend these villian"I bet you can guess who said that " no since you guys are already here you can either sit down and watch or leave but their will be no fighting or I will have you arrested for misconduct" I said to the large group "you wouldn't do that you damn nerd also why do you keep on rejecting the offer to go back to ua everyone misses you" bakugou yelled at me " look I don't care Aijin come on we're practicing the dance for stay" just then bakugou just had to open his big mouth " let watch the nerd crash and burn" and all the class agreed and sat down to watch

(Aijin is the boy izuku is the girl)
After we were finished I see class 2a looking astonished but I don't see I have works to do " come on guys we got the group dance to practice then you guys partner dances and have this ready by tomorrow start and we did the dance back to back for three hours
*three hours later*
"Ok guys your good to go go home and get some rest see guys tomorrow" I said and gave the a smile then I turned back to my group and class 2a " ok now  you guy please stop stalking me I'm not coming back ok I am done next time I'm calling the police ok please get out and leave" me and my group  started to clean up as the ua group leaves I just hope I got through to them
Bakugou's POV:(back at ua)
I still can believe that nerd would reject come back I mean yes we ignored him and all but you can't just stop going because of hard time I'm sure those people are stopping him from come back Maybe they are blackmailing him " extras I think the nerd is being blackmailed we should tell the pros but what would they blackmail him for" they all looked at me then pink cheeks spoke up " he said he was pregnant maybe they are threading the baby that would make since I don't think that neutral zone are a thing it would make since" so then we called Aizawa and he came with the pros and we explained our theory and what happened at the studio " well for one thing neutral zone are real they are place we're villains and   Civilians coexist honestly they don't make sense though because why would any one want to be with a nasty villain  and two your ideas make sense so we will confront him tomorrow and try to save him only if he tell us the truth we can save anyone who doesn't want to be saved" said aizawa
Izuku POV:(behind the stage at ua festivals)
" we go out in thirty ok guy this is our time to show out does every-" I was about to do a great speak but then someone yelled "deku" so I turn around to see the old dekusquad, four pros(aizawa hawks,allmight,snipe) and bakugou " yes what do you need we are about to go up and we need to stretch" bakugou just goes right up to me and drags me to his group " young midoriya we believe that we have found out why you keep rejecting our proposal to come back" all might said to me I just stared at him" what would that be have you finally got it though your thick skull that I don't want that life"
He looked at me " now we know you don't mean that we want to know if the people are threatening you to do this" aizawa asked me " no they are not also it's not midoriya it's Otoko  now let me get my people ready so we can start go sit in your seat we need to stretch" I said while snatching my arm out of bakugou's grasp and back to my group then the ua group leaves " ok people let stretch and get ready people we are the last group tonight and those people came to see us shine ok we are going to have the best show out there ok" and so we stretch and get ready
* thirty minutes later *
No one POV:
"Now introducing tsuki to Taiyo group from studio 97" with that midoriya's danced till the night was over going for partner to groups to solos

(Izuku-girl boy-Aijin )

(Whole studio group)


(Jasmine-girl kameria-boy)

(Whole studio group)

(Aka and jiyu)

(Girls only this first group)

(First dance izuku-front aka-left kameria-right)

(Izuku first dance)

(Last dance of the night izuku and Aijin )
After they finished the Crowd was silent for a minute they they bursted in to Applause and screams and izuku was so proud of his group also side note but L.O.V snuck into see the show and shigaraki was so proud of his brother and AFO was proud of his son for following his dreams as ua was clean up all anyone could talk about was the dancers and they want them to come back again but little did anyone know was that class 1a was cooking up a plan to get deku back still thinking deku is being blackmailed
I hope every likes this story I will be posting again tomorrow by my Beautiful beautiful people I want you to know you are loved 🥰

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