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Santana's POV
When we get back to the apartment, it's well past sunset. Both our stomachs grumble at the same time, and Brittany blushes. I can feel my face heating up as well, but I pray it won't show in the darkness. Brittany parks her car, and turns off the engine.
"Let's get a bag each. Hurry up, I'm starving."

We both take a grocery bag and walk towards our apartment block. Brittany hums under her breath, but I can't recognise the tune. Just when I'm about to ask her what it is, she speaks again.
"I got asked on a date" she says.
"Really? By who?" I ask. I really want to know.
"This guy called Sam... uhm, what's his last name? God, I can't remember it at all."
"It doesn't matter. So, do you like him?"

"Well, obviously I like him."
"I know, but do you like him enough to go on a date with him?"
"I think so. He's really nice, and I didn't want to say no."
"You don't have to go out with him. Just because he asked you, doesn't mean you have to say yes."
"I'll give it a first date. Then I can get to know him better, and find out if it will work."
"Good idea."

We get to the elevator and take it up to our floor. Brittany hands her bag to me while she searches her pockets for the keys. She unlocks the door and we walk in, sitting our bags on the table.
"How about we take a shower, get changed into our pyjamas, then eat our cake."
"Sounds good. You can go in the bathroom first, I'll put away this stuff."

She nods and walks off to the bedroom. I start to tidy away our stuff. Once I've finished, Brittany walks out the bathroom wearing a towel. I look at her legs by accident, and Jesus Christ, I can't tear my eyes away. They go on forever, and are perfect in every way- no, stop. She's hot, anyone can see that, but that's all she is. Hot.

I realise that I've been staring for a little too long, and quickly go into the bathroom. While I shower, I plan out tomorrow in my head. If I can get through it without any major problems, I should be fine. Law is quite competitive, but then again, so am I.

I finish showering and go through to the bedroom, where Brittany has thankfully finished getting changed. I pull on a tank top and shorts, then go back out to the kitchen. Brittany has cut two uneven slices of cake, and sat out a can of coke each. I across from her and start eating. For all the cake looked stupid, it tastes amazing. We don't talk much while we're eating, but there's a closeness between us that wasn't there before.

There's something really interesting about Brittany. She seems so positive about life. People take one look at her, and start to smile, just because she looks so happy about everything. She's popular, really pretty, and just seems happy with herself. I wish I could be like that. No matter how much I try to be positive, something always goes wrong. My sister is the positive one in the family, and we would always get in arguments about if things were bad or good.

Quinn was like me. She saw the world for what it really is. But she had a reason to be like that, with her family and all the shit she went through. I'm just like this anyway. But whenever I try to explain it, it just comes out wrong and I end up sounding like a bitch. That's why I never do serious relationships. There's too much at stake.

"So, what's the story with you and Puck?" Brittany asks, scraping the icing off her plate with her finger.
"I don't know. I go to his, we make out, I leave."
"Are you dating?" She asks. And I don't know how to answer, because I don't know.
"Define 'dating'"
"Well, I think you've done the kissing part."
"Yep. What else."
"Have you ever been out anywhere together. Like for a coffee, or to a restaurant."
"We did go to buy coffee once, but he only paid for his. I don't think that counts."
"That was mean for him to do that."
"I guess. But it's fine."

"If you say so. Do you ever talk?"
"I don't know. Not really. He just tells me I'm hot, and I compliment him back. Not that there's many good things about him."
"Why do you do it then? You're not even going out, why are you wasting your time when you could be with someone who cares about you?"
"Don't be stupid. Nobody cares about anyone other than themselves."
"Don't call me that."
"Don't call you what?"

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