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Santana's POV
By the end of the week, I'm done. Miss Rhodes is permanently drunk, but I've got Mercedes to get me through that class. And Trouty Mouth is still being a dick, but I console myself by making up new and creative names for him. Then I write them at the back of my notebook, so I don't forget.

Brittany is the opposite. She just doesn't run out of energy. Her favourite professor is this gal called Miss Holly, who sounds pretty cool. Brittany is in love with her. She keeps trying to get me to join Glee Club, but I make up a different excuse every week. Puck managed to get in, so did Finn, and apparently it's not as bad as they thought.

Finn and Rachel are dating. Tina informed us of that, when she showed up here last night after Glee. I was in bed, trying to sleep, but Tina is very loud. And I'm not one to pass over gossip. I don't really see what Rachel sees in Finn. He's kind of funny, but very tall and permanently confused. Plus, he must have to kneel just to kiss her. Rachel's really pretty, as much as I hate to admit it. She has really nice hair, and huge eyes.

Brittany opens the door and walks in, trailing her bag behind her. But she's smiling, and her cheeks are flushed.
"Hi Tana! Did you make dinner? It smells amazing!"
She says quickly, while taking off her jacket. I nod, and wipe my hands on my skirt.
"Yep, I've made us Mac and Cheese. Listen, there's a party at Pucks tonight, you coming? I won't leave you this time, I promise."
She stops what she's doing and shakes her head
"I don't really want to go. I really don't like parties."

I shrug, because I'm not going to force the poor girl to go, and turn back to the pot I'm stirring.
"That's fine. I'm going anyway, so if you change your mind let me know."

But she's already gone into the bedroom, singing under her breath. She seems to do that all the time. Sometimes I'll even catch her dancing, until she notices me and stops. I'm still to witness her allegedly amazing moves, since I refuse to join Glee Club. It's become a sort of joke between us now, and I don't see myself ever joining.

I put the food out in bowls and call Brittany in. She skips through, still singing the song. I sit across from her, and start to eat. And goddamn, it's fucking delicious. I can't make many things, but Mac and cheese is something I can do.

Brittany is distracted by something on her phone. She stares at it for ages, until I finally ask what's wrong. She shrugs and slides the phone over to me.
"Read this."

Sam-"Hey Brittany, are you free tonight? There's a showing of Grease at this drive in movie place, do you want to come? S x

I look back up at her. She's chewing her nails nervously, which is a habit I've noticed about her. She does it when she's scared, or thinking a lot about something.

"Are you going to go?" I ask.
"Do you think I should go?" She replies.
"Jeez, I don't know. Do you like this guy?"
"I think so."
"Then go for it! And if it's awful, you never have to see him again. It's a date, not marriage."

Brittany nods, and stops chewing her nails.
"So..I should go?"
"Yes. And if he turns out to be a serial killer, just call me and I'll pick you up."
"How will you even get to me?"
"I'll steal your car. The keys are right over there, where you hid them yesterday."
"How do you know where I hid them?"
"I go through all our stuff. Mine, yours, it's all the same. It's incase you're a serial killer."
"Why would I- you know what, I'm not having this conversation. I'm going on the date."
"That's the spirit. Well, if you're finished, we can go get ready."
"What should I text him back?"

I take her empty plate over to the sink and start washing up, as I think.
"I don't know. You text him, it'll sound nicer than me. I'm not good at communicating over phones."
"But I never text anyone, especially not about dates. The only person who texts me is Sugar, to check I'm still alive."
"B, you're a sweet person, just say something cute."

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