Chapter 1

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Mist's POV
"The usual", I said to Marcus, the bar tender and my occasional hookup, what? A girl has her needs. Marcus owns the bar; Nightlight, a place I go to ever after a mission. To him though it's a visit I make after a 'tough day at work'
"Bad day? I mean, I don't understand why you keep working there if you're not happy," he said. He looked genuinely worried and I hated the look in his eyes, care. I hated attachments, in my world they only got you killed and well Marcus didn't get the hint even after I told him countless times that it was just sex.
"That's a me problem, I think you should get back to your customers and since you've disturbed the peace I came to get, the night's drinks are on the house," I winked at him and he smiled and went to work on someone else.
I downed my drink in a go; one of my soon to be failed attempts at forgetting what happened tonight. I killed a sex trafficker and ended his business which was a good thing, yes but what I saw will forever be embedded in my brain. I still find it hard to believe that people like Mikhail Lermontov existed; he trafficked girls as young as twelve into the US and sold them for as low as $1000 depending on their age. It was ruthless and inhuman and I can't say I regret killing him. He almost...

"Drowning your sorrows in alcohol once again I see," my thoughts were disrupted by the one and only Alex, my partner. Good Lord I hated his voice. "And to what do I owe the displeasure of hearing your voice outside of work, get lost!" I said as I rolled my eyes and downed another shot. "You know you'd look better drinking a cocktail, maybe an apple martini. Maybe then you could attract a man and give your toys a break" he said with that stupid smirk on his face. Oh what I wouldn't do to mess up that pretty face but I wouldn't risk probation again for breaking his nose.
" Perhaps you could work on your pick up lines, change your outfit, do something about that goddamn attitude and you could give your hand a rest." I smirked after seeing the frown on his face. Marcus then came to give me a refill and gave Alex a one over, "need help with him?" Alex chuckled and replied, " still a kiss-ass I see." Breathe in, one, two, three, breathe out, repeat; these breathing techniques better work or I swear I'm going to have blood on my hands. "Marcus I'm fine, Alex here was just leaving," I turned to him, " right Alex?" I smiled to him and gave him the eye. He rolled his eyes and made his way out, thank the Heavens, he's usually harder to drag out.
I finished my drinks and was just about to leave when my phone went off, please don't tell me I have another mission already I haven't even gone home to Bob (my pet gold fish). I got my phone out of my back pocket and answered, "Mist"
"Get to the headquarters"
"Well hello to you too, I'm alive and well, tired but..."
"I'm not in the mood for chitchat Mist, get here now!" And the line went dead, jeez what got his pants in a twist.

I sighed and made my way over to my bike and drove right over. Guess my warm bath and therapeutic talk with Bob will have to wait.
I got to Terrinstyl in twenty and made my way to Fernando's office (the devil's layer as I like to call it) and to my dismay I found Alex seated in the office with a smile on his face, and here we go. "You can't even keep time Mist?" He said with his annoying ass voice. "Used to making it there in under three minutes?" I said with a smirk on my face, these are the moments I live for seeing his stupid ass frown. I turned to Fernando who didn't seem to be paying attention to us, "so what do you need old man?" He stayed expressionless watching whatever it is that was behind that screen, he paused and took his spects off and looked up at me. Well he doesn't seem happy.
"I have a new mission for you." This can't be happening, I just came back home and now I have to leave. Whatever happened to at least a one week rest. I don't know if I look like a robot to him but I for one know...
"Mist listen," he said. What's with everyone and interrupting my thoughts today, I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to continue.
"I know you just came back from a two months mission, good job on that by the way. But this couldn't wait," he threw two folders in front of  Alex and I. I reached for it and opened it. " that there is Niccolo Aldo Zuccarelli, the head of the Italian syndicate. They work in drugs, weapons and most recently counterfeit. He's made the top Interpol list and is currently the highest target in over 15 countries. We've been deployed to get a hold of him and bring him in; dead or alive." I flipped through his file and well I can commend this guy, he was good. Took over the Italian syndicate at sixteen and changed it ever since, made it to the top dealers in illegal weapon trade, got the Russians and Irish to collaborate in counterfeit. He's clearly made a name for himself. I kept looking through his file till I saw something odd and looked up at Fernando confused, "Wait but he's based in Italy." Fernando didn't see a problem with it, " yeah, you leave in 48 hours." I laughed so hard, he had to be joking. I never did missions out of North America and he knew that.
"You can't be serious Fernando. I don't do those kind of missions, why are you sending me there? Send Xerxes, I mean I'm sure she'd have no problem going." And that's when I heard Alex speak, "well I have no problem going, I've always wanted to visit Italy," he said with a wide smile on his face; I'm sure all he's thinking about is hooking up with girls the whole time. "Not you Alex, you'll conduct the mission right here at the base, it'll just be Mist and that tech boy going," Fernando said as he rose from his chair towards the mission room. The look on Alex's face was priceless; more than a month away from him, I think I might reconsider.

I followed Fernando to the mission room with Alex on my tail mumbling angrily at himself. The others were already there ready to be prepped including Noah Williams, also known as the tech boy around here. He's the only person in this agency I'm close to, well aside from Fernando who's practically my father. I sat right next to him, Alex in front of me on the other side of the table and we all looked towards Fernando.
" Mist, you'll be going under the alias Keisha Martins, a 21 year old orphan. Your parents moved to Italy when you were one but died a year later and you got moved from foster care to foster care until you turned 17 when you were adopted by Alessandro and Cammila Morelli. You got into an accident with them 6 months ago, they both died and you lost your memory leaving you on the streets." He said in one go and looked to Noah, "tech boy..." Noah cleared his throat and struggled to say, " uhm it's N-Noah." Fernando clenched his jaws and started again, " don't interrupt me tech boy, you'll be going with Mist to Italy and staying at the safe house and you'll be in immediate contact with her, how, that's up to you. Make it efficient, we must hear from her everyday and you'll report to me after that."
"The rest of you, your duties are in the files. Make sure you know what to do, this mission can't go wrong. I mean it! Mist, follow me."

And with that Fernando walked out and I can say I'd never seen him so restless. For a guy who's always known for his calm demeanor he's failed at it today.
"You seem a little stressed old man, is this mission that crucial? I mean you got the best on it." I said boastfully as I walked into his office. This was going to be like any other mission. I moved towards his couch and took a sit and crossed my legs over his coffee table knowing well how much it annoyed him. He looked at my feet and sighed heavily and just walked to his seat. "You need to be careful, this man is very dangerous and he won't hesitate to kill you if he discovers who you really are. How you get him to notice you and take you in is on you. That's why you're going early, learn his patterns, you'll find more info on ground in Italy. You cannot under any means blow this up, you understand me?" Okay, in all my year working at the agency I've never seen him act like this towards a mission. "Worry not, boss. I'll take care of it, can I go now?" He nodded, waved his hand and looked back at his screen.
I left Terrinstyl and drove home. Finally a warm bath, a long talk with Bob and wait a minute, is my door open? F**k I really needed my peace. I got my gun out of my holster and slowly walked into the door. And that's when I heard him singing.

Author's note.
Hey :) so this is my first writing, both here and like ever. So excuse me if this isn't the best. But I hope as we go on with the book, you'll fall in love with the characters as much as I love them already.

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