Chapter 6: Make the most of what we have

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A/N: Alright yalls, short story time.
I had completely ran out of ideas for what next to write for this book, hence the long period of time I haven't written a new chapter. I promise I didn't forget about this book! I was thinking of how to wrap it up because I had no ways to continue this story, in mind.
But! Thanks to our wonderful @skysthelimit084, I now have some ideas on how to continue the story instead of end it!

Also, I've decided on using she/her pronouns for Y/N, but if you want to change them to whatever pronouns make you more comfortable, feel free to!
So, please enjoy this next crappy chapter-

Mentions of smut 🥵

Third Person POV

The day after Y/n and Loki's date

"NAT, WHERE'S MY PHONE?" Y/n yelled, throwing the sheets and pillows off her bed
"Why would I know?" Nat asked, leaning on the doorframe
"You always take my phone!" Y/n threw a pillow behind her, almost hitting Natasha in the face, if she hadn't ducked.
"True. But I didn't take it this time." Nat said, nonchalantly taking a bite out of her cookie.
Y/n sighs, walks over to her best friend and snatches her cookie from her hands.
"HEY!" She shouted as Y/n took a bite.
"And I'd do it again." Y/n said with her mouth full and an evil grin planted onto her face.

"Big mouth bitch." She whispered, as Y/n strutted out the door with her lips covered in crumbs.

"Y'/n how are you still-" Loki began to ask, before being cut off by Y/n's lips pressing against his.

"No idea, and I honestly don't want to know." Y/n mumbled with a smile.

"Well, theres still another couple hours until the spell wears off." Loki said, looking down at Y/n, who suddenly got an idea.

She grabbed his hand and walked with him to his room.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Loki asked as she locked the door.

"What I should have done last night. And since we still have," Y/n checked the time on the clock on the wall, "about 3 hours before I turn to a snake again, I'm gonna make the most of it. Sound good?" 

Loki nodded, before being pushed backwards onto his bed and straddled by Y/n's thighs. 


Hey , my wonderful gaybies!

I am SO sorry for such a long disappearance!!

I'm not quite back on wattpad, yet. But I felt the need to give you guys this short little chapter.

I'm trusting that your -dirty- imaginations will complete this smutty scene 😏

As always, if you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote & comment! 

I love you guys so much, and thank you all for the reads and love and support!

(I know you guys have been waiting for this, especially:

@lokiandnatashasbitch , @DancingWith_TheDevil , @SkysTheLimit084 , @whore_for_nat )

Te amo mis amores,


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