Chapter 10

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I woke up this morning and i was still very upset, i checked my phone and saw many missed calls and massages from munaya, i don't want her to find out about any of this,just then Humaira came in she said munaya called her and she didn't pick, i got really worried, so i called her she immediately picked, she was crying i guess she found out, i said munaya, she was still snubbing, she said hydar what is going to happen she didn't stop she just kept on talking, hydar i never really let my self get attached to anyone, because they end up hurting me, i tried to talk but she kept talking, hydar all i want is to be happy and that doesn't seem to be happening after i have finally accepted you, and now they want to separate, she was still crying i said munaya listen have faith every will be okay inshallah please trust me i am trying going to do my best, and she said promise me, and i said i promise so she hung up.

After the phone call will hydar i prayed zuhr and i went to help saffa cook she noticed i have been crying so she asked what happened i told her and she was consoling me, we finished cooking and we served baba and everyone i was not in the mood to eat so i went to my room called Rima and told her everything.

After magrib hydar called me and we pretended everything was okay.

I couldn't sleep last night i have been trying to find a solution tp I this problem so i decided to talk to my grandmother i knew she was the only one that could help me, da so next morning i went to her house and she was very happy to see me she calls me aliyu na she served me food and i told her everything, she immediately called abbah and said she wants to see, so i left

Later in the evening abbah called me and ummah we went to his parlor and as i saw ba zeenat i knew something is wrong, so abbah started "ali mama ta kira ni kuma ta gaya min ka je wajen ta, mama kuma tache baze yuwu ba mu hana ka auren wada kake so, sobada haka ba  zeenatu  ta yarda ka aure munaya amma after 2 years you will have to marry zahra" non of us said anything so i said abbah thank you and ba zeenatu thank you for giving a chance to do what i want but i don't think a second wife is needed, and abbah said just do what you have been asked to do and leave, Allah ya maka albaraka, and the wedding is now in 2 months.

I left smiling and i was also sad, so i called munaya and told her everything she was very happy, but i didn't tell her about the6 second marriage thing.

Hey people
As promised😌❤️
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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