Chapter 3

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After 10 minutes ya munir came back with Mr attitude behind him, he said Munaya keys, I said oh and gave him the keys, ya munir and his friend kept on talking and I was getting bored so I said ya munir it's getting late, he said ok hydar I will see u later and we left.
We came back home and I went straight to my room prayed Isha and went to sleep.
I woke up around 9 and got ready I went to great baba and mommy and had breakfast, I knew baba would travel tomorrow so we have to speak to him today, so I went to ya munir and our convo went like this
M. Good morning ya munir
Ya m. Morning
M. Ya munir are u ready to speak to baba
Ya m. Not sure
M. Saffa also wants to see baba
Ya m. Why she want money bah
M. No she has found a man
Ya m. Ok that's good so we need to find u a man
M. Ya munir I don't want to get married u know what how about we speak to baba and maybe just maybe he will let u two get married now and me later problem solved
Ya m. Munaya ur not serious u know baba never goes back on his words so chill
M. OK let's just try it
Ya m. OK call Saffa let's go
So i went to see Saffa and she was still sleeping so I woke her up and she was like  Munaya why the hell did u wake me up this early are u nuts or what, gz saffa calm down I only wanted to tell we are going to see baba but it's OK u don't want to so byee, she yelled no Munaya I am sorry let's go, In my a headI was thinking God I am good at reverse psychology, she cut me off and said let's go as she wore her hijab.
We went to baba's room, we entered with a Salam and he answered we sat on the rug, we greeted him and he answered, I pinched ya munir and and he said baba dama I wanted to tell u I have found a wife and her parents want me to send my representatives, Alhamdulillah baba said munir naji dadin maganan Kuma Allah ya maka albarka amma u can't get married until ur sister have found someone, saffa said baba I have someone too, thats good baba said Munaya saura ke, baba I don't have anyone I said baba said Munaya amma u need to find someone or ur siblings are being cheated, no baba I don't have anyone but u can get ya munir and saffa married, no Munaya I want the 3 of u married at the same time so if u don't have anyone I will find someone, u see Munaya I am getting old and for a parent the greatest thing in the world is seeing there children married and u see I also want that so Munaya u don't have anyine right so I will find a good man for u,  ok  baba whatever u diside for me is okay, yawa munaya but I don't want u to fell I am forseing u, no baba u are not, Allah ya Miki albarka nagode.
And I left the room with ya munir and saffa behind me I was so lost in the thought of who baba will find for me I just pray he's a good man and will allow me study after marriage. And i knew baba was serious when he called me by my name he normally calls me mamana
So I went to my room and prayed nafilah and zuhur and prayed to God to make this easy for me and that the witch does not make my life a living hell.
After lunch I called Rima to meet me ya marwa's place so I got ready and was leaving when I heard mommy's voice she said sanu yar iska Ina Zaki ur going to see the rich men u normally see now that ur marriage is going to be arranged  ur so happy u got what u want and ur father will get a rich man for u ha, I just stood there like a statue I had nothing to say to her so I just ran to my car and cried for a bit and later on I decided to forget about her and just live my life and I Wil just continue praying I just wish my mom was here.
So I reached ya marwa's and I saw her and Rima in the living room so I greeted them and sat quietly.

Hyy I am so sorry everyone I did not update earlier, I was so busy but pls bare with mere I love u all and pls vote share and comment ❤️😂👍💖

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