Chapter 7

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Might be some errors pls ignore I was too lazy to edit 😊😘

Tasty chapter 😋💃🤣

I went home and had dinner I came out to the parlor and I saw ba zeenat (my dad's elder sister she never minds her business everything that goes on in this house is always of her knowledge and she is always part of the important decisions in our family) I greeted her and I was leaving when  she said hydar when will u find a girl to marry and oh I have a girl u know my friend oh her sisters daughters friend ( and yes did I mention she never keeps quit) I just said ba zeenat later she said Amina wannan Dan naki Bai son mutane ummah laughed and I left   humie followed me and said Yaya there is trouble o she is not aware that u are getting married and bcuz of these she might stop the wedding I said Hume leave her alone she can't do anything about it sinse the wedding has been fixed she said Ya hydar this is ba zeenat we are talking of she is capable of anything amma Allah keuta Kwai i said its true but Allah ya fi ta and I left.

I was in bed thinking of hydar when he called me he said Humaira, hameeda and hanifa will come to my house to see me I was so excited.

Next morning it was a Saturday so I was not going to school I woke up and got dressed I was thinking of what to cook for them when an unknown number called me I picked up it was hanifa she said Ina wuni yayar mu I said lfy she said it's hanifa hydar's sister we exchanged greetings and we talked for a while I told her my address and we hong up, so I made chic biryani and lamp kadai and for dessert I made ice-cream sandwiches cause I love ice-cream and hydar said they also love it I got everything ready, I prayed zuhur and changed I was in my room when zaliha came in she said ya munaya kin yi Baki I said Ina zuwa I got my veil and came down stairs I told them to come up stairs to the kids parlor we exchanged greetings I told zaliha to bring the food I went to tell mommy that they are here and I asked if they can come and greet her she said toh dama how will I do if I don't allow them come in tunda an samu San su Dan dole I felt bad but I just pretended like nothing happened they greeted her and saffa and Sabrina came in and we where al talking everyone was happily eating when hydar called Humaira and asked her to get ready he is coming to pick them up.

I was at the office when ummah called and asked me to pick my sisters off coz the driver is not available so I called them and asked them to get ready they said they pray asr and get ready so I reached there and I called them they where so happy they said they injoyed it munaya and I where just staring at each other after she greeted me was shy to say anything bcuz of these basket mouth sisters of mine so I blew and kiss and I drove off we went to our aunt Zara's house (our mums sister) we where on our way home when abbah called me said he wants to see me, I reached home  and and went to his parlor I saw ba  zeenat there and I got really scared.

Hydar came and picked his sisters they are very nice they even brought me perfumes and  2 Abaya's and a shoe as well I was so happy but also sad about the way mommy was acting.

Dan, Dan, Dan 😁💥drama Don start for this book o stay tuned to see what fire ba zeenat has created 🙀 I promise this book just got better 🔥😻😂pls vote comment and share ❤️love u all💋

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