Simon's Mansion

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Emily's POV:

I walked out of the hotel and waited quietly for my ride to arrive to take me to my job or in other words the house I would be cleaning and attending to.The man that hired me the job, I found out later, was Simon Cowell.I had heard his name before and I knew he was really famous but I wasn't quite sure as to why.Simon had told me that I could live at his house, which I assumed was a mansion and could tidy up the place every day and that was pretty much it.That sounded perfectly fine with me.

I spent the next few minutes picking at the remains of my nail polish and twirling my hair until I heard my name being called.I looked up to see a limousine and a chauffeur calmly holding the back door open to me.I smiled and thanked him as he took my luggage and put it in the trunk.I slid in and gasped at how comfortable the seats were.I looked around and noted that this limousine must cost a fortune.The seats were a solid black leather,there was a bar to the left of my seat where chocolate, cookies, candies, and other snacks and goodies sat tempting me.There where even a variety of blankets to choose from on the other side of my seat.There was even a built in tv and the brilliant view of the sky through the sun roof.

"You can help yourself to anything you want Ms.James.We will be at Mr.Cowell's house shortly."

I smiled widely and began to eat chocolates.'I could get used to this.' I thought to myself.To be honest, I had the soul of a fat person.I was skinny I had to admit,but you'd be surprised at how much I ate.I was too indulged in the chocolate to realize the car had come to a stop and the chauffeur had opened the door.I glanced sadly at all the food I was leaving behind in the car an shuffled out.When I looked up I found the biggest shock of my life.

I had been expecting a big mansion but not a colossal resort looking mansion.That house put the White House to shame.I couldn't believe my eyes.The mansion gleamed and sparkled under the suns light and it seemed to be made of marble.The pathway to the door filled with exotic flowers that surely cost a lot of money.I followed the chauffeur up the steps and watched as he knocked on the door.The door was opened and there stood a butler welcoming us inside.

"Hello Ms.James.How are you?May I take your coat for you?" He asked politely.I nodded and handed him my coat and thanked him.The inside of the house was even more extravagant.The walls were a light cream color with different elegant painted pictures that were most likely to be originals.There were chandeliers hanging everywhere and where delicately spaced to add to the perfection of the mansion.Up ahead there was an elevator and stairs that seemed to stretch on forever.Who knew someone could be so rich?

"I'll go get Mr.Cowell so he can introduce himself." The Butler said before spinning on his heel and going off.I stood awkwardly looking around and was still dumb founded as to how someone could be so rich.

Soon enough I heard footsteps echoing down the hall and looked up to see a man who I assumed was Mr.Cowell.

"Hello there Emily!I'm Simon Cowell. Nice to meet you."He greeted and shook my hand.

"Thank you,nice to meet you too."

"So, would you like me to show you where your room is and where the supplies are?"

"Umm...sure.I guess so." I smiled and followed him.We rounded a few corners and came face to face with a door.He opened it and I saw many brooms,mops,vacuums,bleach, and other essential cleaning items.

"As you can tell this is the supply closet." I nodded.

"Come, I'll show you your room."I went after him once again.He lead me to an elevator an clicked floor three and the elevator began to go up.I quickly gripped onto the handles and closed my eyes.I'd never been quite fond of elevators.The doors slid open and we made our way down the hall.We stood in front of a cream door and he opens and I could see my luggages are already there.

"Well here's your room.You can get settled in or you can start cleaning,you can even take a shower.I don't know do whatever you would like.However, if you do choose to clean you only have to clean this floor for this week." He said and walked out calmly and closed the door and left me on my own.'Well I could use a shower.' I thought to myself.I grabbed my toiletries and went to the bathroom across the hall.To my dislike the bathroom door didn't have a lock.I didn't really mind it though since I was pretty sure nobody lived on my floor.

I set up my iPod on a dock that had been in the bathroom and started up my music.I had stripped off my clothing and jumped in when Ellie Goulding's voice rang through the bathroom.I washed my hair humming along to the tune and was just rinsing my hair when I heard the door open.

"Mate,why are you listening to such a girly song?" I heard a thick British accent ask.I peeked through the curtains and froze.The person was facing away from me but i could tell it was a boy.'Oh my goodness there's a boy standing there!Why is a boy standing there!?' Were the questions that rang through my head.I quickly shut of the water.

"Whose iPod is this?" This isn't yours." He then turned around and I recognized him.To my surprise it was one of those boys from that really popular boy band.For a moment I thought I was hallucinating,but I clearly remembered his face on several girls t-shirts and wristbands.I couldn't quite put my finger on what the name of the band was, but I knew it had something to do with direction.What was he doing here?

My eyes widened in horror as he was going to reach for the curtain"What are you doing!" I yelled poking my head out the side of the curtain.

"Oh good lord!" He yelped as he stumbled backwards clearly surprised.

"Who are you?"He said,hand on his chest trying to catch his breath.

"I should be the one asking you that question walking into the bathroom while I'm taking a shower!" I screamed trying to make sure nothing was exposed from behind the curtain.

"What are you talking about? This is my bathroom.I have a right to know who is showering in it!You don't even live here!"

"Well I do now!I'm the new maid!" I stated making it obvious that I was agitated.

"Are you a fan that snuck in?"


"Are you a fan that snuck in?" He repeated slowly.

"Wait what.No,why would I?I don't even know the name of your stupid band anyways and I could care less."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't think I asked."I replied."Now will you please leave? I kind of need to get dressed."

"Oh yeah, your naked behind those curtains." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Mind if I take a peek."

"You're such a pervert." He winked at me and then strolled right on out.Five minutes with the kid and already I couldn't stand him.I grabbed my clothes and got dressed behind the curtains.Who knows if he was peeking through a hole or something.

I had put put on blue shorts and a white top,nothing too exciting since I was just cleaning up.After opening the door I noticed the boy was leaning against the wall.

"Oh my goodness!What do you want now!" I growl in frustration.I slammed the door and walked away while he was about to talk.

"Look,I just want to know who is the random girl standing in my house." He smiled.I freeze.His house

"What do you mean your house."I stared at him.

"Well it's Simon's flat technically but it's all the same since I live here."

"Hold on just one second, let me get this straight.You live here?" He nodded,"And if I work here I will have to deal with you?" I asked trying to get it through my head.

"And my four other band mates."

"Excuse you? Four other band mates?So there's five obnoxious boys here?Not just one?" He smiled in response.

Of course this would happen to me.Five boys under one household!I really hope its worth it.

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