WhY gRaNdMa wHy

8 2 7

HEYOOOO, it's Friday you already know what that means... update day!! Sorry I haven't updated it in a while I was at vacation but, I promise it will never happen again. If it dose then just assume I'm dead 💀💀
Im stalling for no reason
OkAy NoW bAcK tO tHe StOrY

I jumped back in surprise, causing me to fall flat on my butt. I had no words for what just happened so I yelled "GRANDMA WHAT IS GOIN ON"

So she replied with "my apologies dear, it appears that the Kratom has worn off"

Confused I replied with "what's Kra-" "HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!" Said my mom as she rudely interrupted me once again

Then my grandma replied with "Oh I got it from some of my club friends

"WHA-" "WHAT IS KRATOM"!? I said as my voice over lapsed my mothers

"SWEETY ITS A DRUG!" My mom replied "WAIT WHA-" just then my dad walked in..

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