Rev is lost

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Bizz leaves with Grounder as Coconuts looks at Erma.

Erna- What?

Coconuts gave her flowers*

Erma- Oh !

Coconuts: For you.

Erma- Thank you.

Coconuts smiled.

Hours later , Rev washes up on the same shore

Rev- Mmm... Mmm...

A silhouetted sea mammal helped him

The sea mammal gets him on land to dry up*

Rev- Mmm... What ?

???- Hello , are you alright ?

Rev sits up and looks around*

He looks and sees a female humanoid with lavender pink dreadlock hair nice skin.

Rev- What the ?!

Ambi- Whoa !

Rev looks around and sees he's not in acmetropolis*

Rev- Wh--where am I ?

Ambi- You're outside of Acmetropolis. My question is why are you here.

Rev- Iwasgoingtoproposetomygirl !

Rev remembers the voice he heard while he was knocked out*

Bizz's voice: I heard you want to be a ladies man huh? Well listen here rooster boy, Angel is mine! Too bad you won't be able to see her again.

Rev- Bizz. That jerk !

Ambi- Huh ?

Then a teenage whalewolf pup appears

Rev looks: Whoisthis?

Keiko- Im Keiko.

Ambi- My boyfriend.

Rev: OhsorryIdidn'tknowsowhoareyou?

Ambi- Im Ambi. Balan's daughter.

Rev: Ohpleasuretomeetyou. OhnoIwonderhowtheothersaredoing?

Rev's ring glowed*

Rev: Huh? *looks at it*

Silva came in the Loonatics hq feeling worried*

Ace- Any sign of him ?

Silva- No. Im sorry.

Tech- I cant even get in comtact with his gauntlet.

Silva-.... That's the thing

Musica: What is it?

Silva shows them the smashed gauntlet

They gasped*

Duck- Okay. I feel a little scared now.

Ace- Did you search the places he would be ?

Silva- Yes but no sign of him.

Ace- Then we need to search deeper ! Rev's our friend !

Angel is outside talking to her friends Sugar belle, Malinda and Lotus*

Sugar Belle: Are you not going to face the fact that Rev is gone?

Angel: No, I'm sure Rev is out there somewhere. I just know he's still alive.

Sugar Belle- You want to marry him ?

Angel: I do.

Lotus- Okay but what do you see in him. Just curious

Angel: He's charming and he's very fast, and he's very loving, he's the bravest hero and-

Bizz came to them: Hello ladies.

The girls glared and left

Angel looks at him: Oh, hello Bizz.

Bizz- Hello my dear. I want you to be mine

Angel: Bizz, I love Rev.

Bizz- I hate to break this but Rev is nowhere to be seen. So I offer my own hamd to you

Angel: My answer is no.

Bizz- Think about it

Angel is nervous*

Rev listens to the conversation*

Bizz: Because I planned tomorrow we will get married.

Angel: Tomorrow?

Bizz- Yes. Either that or be lonely for the rest of your life.

Bizz snickers and walks off

Angel looks down*

Rev is shocked as the ring stopped glowing*

Rev- IgottagethomebeforeBizzgetsmylove!

Rev tries to zoom away.

Ambi- Whoa whoa there Rev. You may have super speed but you have no idea which path to go.!

Rev: GoodpointwithoutmygauntletIhavenoideahowtogetbackbeforetomorrowcomes!

Keiko- Look we can help you. We are not that far away. Just stick with us and you will be alright

Rev: OkayItrustyoutwo.

Ambi- Let's go.

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