Balan vs Balke

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With Balan , he runs aeound searching for Nights.

Balam- Nights ! Nights , where are you ?!

Rime then sees Balke's tracks and barks.

Balan- Rime , what is it , girl?

Rime sniffs the tracks*

Balan- Did you get their scent ?

Rime barks yes*

Balan- Lead the way , Rime ! The day isn't over yet !

Balan follows after the fox as he hurries and follows their scent.

In the lair , Nights whimpers and looks at Balke

Balike: Look like I got 7. *starts to pull the lever 7 times*

Outside the lair , Balan made it to the hole and stops as he hears Nights screaming in distress before he immediately glares a she knows that wolf is going to pay for kidnapping his love.

Balan-( To Rime ) Shh....

Balan puts Rime on his hat before he quietly starts to climb down on the rope to the lair.

Nights- Aahh !

Balke: One more roll and let's hope I can win! *as he rolls the dice and got snake eyes* What?! Snake eyes! *slams fist as dice rolled* 11! I win!

Nights gasps and looks at him

Balke: It's a shame you won't marry me, bye bye doll. *as he pulled the lever*

Nights screams as she falls in

Balke laughs but didn't see her fall in*

Balke: Huh? What the? *pulls bed down*

He looks and sees Balan laying on it glaring coldly at him as if he is a father ready to scold a child

Balke: Ah!

Balan- Hello , Balke.

Balan gets off the bed and stalks towards him

Balke: Balan, I thought you were dead, you must be. *steps on button* Double dead!

Balan- Whoa !

Balan almost falls but he stands himself back up.

Metal cards of swinging swords came out*

Balke: Well com'on, glow boy!

Rime barks angrily as Nights , free from the ropes with the help from Balan, appears from the closet and carefully opens the door as she watches the fight.

Balan, without being harmed or cut , flexibly and acrobatically dodges the metal swords

Balke pulls the switch and the cards went down and robot cowboys appeared*

Balke: Fire!

Balan quickly sees them and skillfully jumped back and forth on the shooting guns that went up and down.

Balke: Oh boy! *presses button*

A big saw comes down*

Nights: Balan look out!

Balan looked and quickly jumped down before it could hit him

Balke gets on the spinner claw: So long Balan! *evilly laughs*

Balan- How dare you treat my friend SO SHAMEFULLY ?!

Balan takes out a golden lasso and pulls onto the spinner claw

Balke: Oh no!

Balan pulls harder and managed to pull them down

Balke: Oh boy. I'm in trouble.

Balan walked over and picks up Balke as he glares sternly at him

Balke gulps*

Balan- If I catch you near my Nights again I will take you to my Wonderowrld and let the boss monsters deal with you. Do you understand ?!

Balke: I promise!

Balan- Good. Now leave !

Balke leaves*

Rime then scampers over to Balan along with Nights

Nights: Oh! Who's your new friend?

Balam- Her name is Rime fox. I found her. She had no one to turn to

Nights: Awwww. *pets Rime* Poor thing.

Rime smiles and purrs.

Balan- Are you alright , Nights ? Did he touch you ?

Nights: No, he tried to put me in the Lava.

Balan- Then it was a good thing I came on time when.

Nights blushes*

Balan blushes as well as he looks away

Nights: We should leave this place.

Balan- I agree. Let's go.

Balan carries Nights bridal style as Rime holds onto Balan's hat before they took off.

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