Raptors meeting Balan

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With the Mutts , Dinos , and Street sharks....

They hang out in Dark Town*

Streex- Man this is sweet. The three different mutants hanging out.

Sugar Tooth- I'll say

Bap Rap: Guys, next week me and Shelly will get married.

Jab- Nice. But did you raptors meet that Balan guy yet ?

Haxx: No.

Bullzeye: I did.

Spike- Are you four kidding me ?! That guy is amazing !!

Razor: Cool.

Albert: I met him, he is amazing!

T-Bone- Wait til you raptors meet him. He's incredible. I told him about your wedding and he volunteered to give you a hwlping hand

Bad Rap: Really?

Stegz- Of course !

Ripster- He is quite a maestro and an enthusiastic person

Streex: Yeah dude!

Bullzeye- Yeah. He's like Bill and Alastor except no sins done and no chaotic attitude.

Slammu: Yeah!

Bullzeye- Here he comes now !

They looked*

Balan and the Weaselings appear holding Rime

Bronzer: Whoa!

White Fang: He looks amazing!

Jab- We told ya.

Balan-( Bows ) Hello there !

Razor: Whoa!

Screech: He looks amazing!

Thud: Yeah!

Balan- Why thank you !

Balan zooma over to Bad Rap and whirls around him.

Balan- And you must be the groom to be !

Bad Rap: Yes.

Balan- You are quite handsome. I can see why Shelly yearns for you so much !

Bad Rap chuckles*

Balan- I decided to volunteer to help you with your wedding as such !

Bad Rap: Thank you.

Balan- Hahaha ! My pleasure !

Balan zooms over and spins Velocira before dipping her

Haxx: Huh?

Balan- Pleasure to meet you Ms. Velocira

Velocira giggles*

Balan sees Kelly and kisses her hand

Kelly: Oh!

Balan- And you must be my old friend's lovely daughter Kelly

Kelly: Yes I am.

Spittor looks*

Balan then releases her hand.

Balan- You are just as beautiful as her

Kelly giggles*

Balan winks before he boys

Grub and Lizard King sees him*

Balan- Hello !

Grub: Oh!

Balan- And you must be the beautiful Melody's and Kelly's lovers. These girls must have great taste in men

Lizard King: Yes they do.

Balan- Nice men !

Rime barks as Falke and the mutant cats watch

Scratch: So this is Balan.

Falke- Yes. Now I need you to distract him and his friends so I can get that girl

Claw: It's a good thing we invited our mutant friends, except for Hook Fang, Jagger and Lancet, I heard Lancet's girlfriend is pregnant.

Falke- Nice. Remember. Only keep them busy long enough until I get the girl. When I get the signal fall out

Copy Cat: Okay, what kind of signal?

Falke- My whistle

Copy Cat: Right.

Dracrorex: This well be fun.

Falke- Let's go.

The mutants and Falke went separate ways as they speak as they see the heroes speak.

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