Chapter one

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So technically this is a Toko and Genocider Sho x reader but the titles already long enough. This will follow the game and not the anime. Since they left a lot of stuff out. Okay I'll stop talking on with the story!

You hauled your three suitcases over to the entrance of the school. Why did you need that much stuff? Well since your going to be living here for a while you had to bring your work with you. You looked up at the large building. *Sigh* Great opportunity or not it's still school. You then saw a boy. He noticed you staring and walked up to you. "You a student here too?" You nodded. "I'm Makoto Naegi." He said introducing himself. "I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n. We should probably head on in." You said as you gathered you things. Makoto sweat dropped looking at you carrying all that. However by the time you both walked in your world was spinning then, blank. Nothing. Darkness.

You woke up in a classroom. "Did I fall asleep in class...?" You asked half asleep. You turned and saw Makoto knocked out at his own desk. "Naegi! Wake up!" He didn't respond so you slapped him. That did it. "Ow was that necessary?" He said getting up. "Well it worked." You both questioned things for a bit and you found out there was a school assembly thing going on. And your already late. "Oh shit we gotta go!" You said. You grabbed his wrist and dragged him out the room. However once you got outside you froze. You had no idea where to go. You both walked around aimlessly until you eventually found the it. You then went ahead and opened the door.

You saw a lot of other students there. "Whoa hey! Another new kid?" A voice said. "Huh? Then you guys all are...?" Makoto said. "Yeah... we're all new here. Today's supposed to be our first day of class." You looked around trying to pin point who was talking. The next one to talk was a larger boy with glasses. "So counting them, that makes sixteen. I wonder if this is everyone..." He said. You stood there awkward. With all eyes on you, you weren't sure what to actually say. "Um how's it going? My name's Makoto Naegi. And this is Y/n L/n. Sorry we're late. A bunch of stuff happened and then all of a sudden we were just asleep." He said trying to break the ice.

"Whoa, you too?" A guy with insane brown hair said. Everyone started commenting on how weird this whole thing is. "Hold on! There's something else we must address! Y/n! Makoto! Your tardiness is unacceptable! Surely you were aware the meeting was supposed to start at 8 AM sharp! To be late on your first day is unspeakable! I must report you both!" He said. The guy with the unibrow is a snitch!
You thought. "What's your problem? It's not like they wanted to be late." A girl with pinkish hair said. "Thank you!" You said with a bit of attitude after being scolded. "Everyone why don't we introduce ourselves!" A girl suggested.

Makoto looked to you. "I'll go talk to them, and you start with those five." He said pointing to a selection of people. You started with the guy on your far left. "Hey I'm- oh you already know don't you." You said once again failing at socializing. "I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru. The ultimate moral compass. But you can call me Taka. What's your ultimate?" He said. "I'm the ultimate disguise." "Interesting. Sounds very useful for many different career paths. Don't let it lose its value!" After that you went to talk to everyone else. Introducing yourself and trying to get on their good side. All that was left was a girl who seemed to kinda avoid the group.

"Hey what's your name?" You asked her. She avoided much eye contact. "N-not that you'll remember my name anyway, but... I'm T-Toko...Toko Fukawa." "I'm pretty sure I'll remember that name. What's your ultimate?" You asked. "I'm the ultimate writing prodigy..." She said. "Oh yeah I remember you now! One of my old friends was like obsessed with your books." You thought she might say something else to keep this going but she remained silent. You kinda stood there as everyone else was still busy talking to the others. "It's not polite to stare y'know..." She said. "Oh was I staring? I-" "Quit looking at me like I'm a filthy creature." She said. That kinda shocked you. "Filthy creature? What? Your literally the opposite! Your actually very pretty! I didn't realize I was staring." You replied. "Don't bother l-lying to me! I know it's true. I know you can't stand to look at me! Whatever I don't really care. I'm used to it."

You tried to once again deny it but she was already gone. Wow that's beyond low self-esteem. Why is she putting word like that in my mouth? However this made your more curious about her.

Then the sound of a bell went off. "Ahem ahem! Testing testing! Mike check! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then..." The voice was so... different. Like playful. You've never heard a voice like this from a person just talking normally before. "The entrance ceremony is going to happen...right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium. That's all, I'll be waiting." Then the broadcast stopped.

With that you left right after byakuya. Eventually you all made it to the gym.

I'm honestly not the best at portraying characters so sorry if it's bad.

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