Chapter fifteen

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After the trial everyone went into the dressing room. "I'm going to go alone. Everyone else head to the dinning hall." Makoto ended up going with her. You and the others headed to the dinning hall. Once everyone all knew Alter Ego was safe they all went to their rooms. However once you fell asleep you had a nightmare. Wow who saw that coming? You hated having so many nightmares. Knowing damn well you aren't gonna get any more sleep you went out for a walk. Yes your breaking the nighttime rule but you didn't care. "I should try to think of something other than that nightmare." You said. Your mind went to Toko and Jill. "The fear I felt when I thought Jill and Toko could be hurt or worse...I've never felt that in my life. One where I didn't care about myself and only them. But it's more intense than if it was my friends... Oh god." You thought out loud but then stopped by the shop. "I haven't cared about anyone this much before..." Your cheeks unconsciously started to heat up. You knew what this meant. "What do I do? Confess? No that's literally the opposite I want to do in here. Ignore it? But what if something happens to either of us and I don't get to tell her?" You stayed silent for a moment. "If I died...that would be my only regret but..." Before you could finish that sentence the sound of grunting interrupted your thoughts. "It's three in the morning who is up this late?" You asked yourself in a whisper. You slowly and quietly made your way to look down the hall to see.... Makoto!?

He looked like he didn't see you. Weird you were In plain sight. He was groaning in pain. He was about to fall when you caught him. "Are you okay?" You asked. He looked up at you. "Y-Yeah...what time is it...?" He was still practically leaning on you. "A little past three. What happened?" But then you both heard a sound. It was faint but undeniable. "That sound..." He said. "It's coming from the gym." You said. He started to haul his shaky body towards the gym. Well he was practically throwing his body there. "God you look pityful. Stereotypical or not come on!" You out one of his arms around your shoulder. "You don't have to do this..." You rolled your eyes. "You're making this more cheesy than it already is. You just looked sad so don't mention it." The sound got stronger and stronger.

Neither of you made a sound as he gently opened the door. (Ddlc who?) A fight between Monokuma and Sakura. Like and actual fight kicks punches and all that. You and Makoto forgot to move, hell even breathe. "Why you...! What do you think you're doing!? I asked you a question, what's the meaning of this? How dare you defy me. This wasn't part of the deal!" Monokuma said. "I've made a decision. I will no longer retreat, no longer compromise, no longer regret... I'm resist you!" She replied. "Okay. But you do realize what will happen if you go through with this right? You haven't forgotten have you? What I'm holding hostage?" You had no idea what you were looking at. Sakura the tradior?

You shut the door not making a sound. "We should go. They can't know we're here." You whispered. He nodded. You out his arm around your shoulder and you both left. "So what were you doing out so late?" You asked once you got some good distance. "...I can't say. You?" You sighed. "Why should I tell you if you won't tell me? But whatever. I had a nightmare and went for a walk. I don't think anyone cares about the self inflicted rules anymore." You said. Makoto then opened the gate and you two made it back to the main place you guys are. You then walked him to his room. He thanked you and you went to yours. You laid next to Toko's sleeping body. You weren't sure what to do with this info. But there was an unspoken rule you both had.

Tell no one until you have the full story. Shockingly by like five you fell asleep. The next morning you woke up like usual. This time you looked at Toko. She opened her eyes and smiled. "Hi..." Her morning voice wasn't deeper but more gentle. You were happy she was here. But you didn't want to leave bed. However you had to talk to Makoto about last night. For once you didn't show up to the breakfast meeting. "What happened?" Toko asked. "What do you mean?" You asked sitting up. "You always go to the breakfast meeting. Why the change? Is it b-because of yesterday?" You looked away. She looked unsure of what to do. "Y-you know you can tell m-me if something is bothering you..." You smiled. "I know." But your smile faded as soon as it was there. "P-Please don't be sad." She sat next to you and out her hand on yours. "I'm just having some trouble with my emotions right now. Don't worry I'll be fine in a bit. But a new area is unlocked right? We should explore it." You said standing up. "Yeah..." You held your hand out and she took it.

Toko Fukawa x fem reader  Danganronpa trigger happy havocWhere stories live. Discover now