Chapter seven

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Nighttime. The trial was only hours ago. Everyone met up in the dinning hall. Makoto was the last. "Hey, are you okay Makoto?" Hina asked. "Probably not Hina." You stated. "You sure took your sweet time! I was just about to drag you back here!" Taka yelled. "Sorry..." "So what happened? Was your room fixed up like he said? I imagine it would be pretty hard to sleep with a rotting corpse in your bathroom!" Taka continued. "Jesus that's fucked up man. Why would you say something like that?" Mondo scolded. "My room was spotless... There wasn't anything left. Like the whole thing never happened." He replied. "It must be tough staying there. Why don't you just stay in Sayaka's room?" Sakura suggested. "Well staying there with her sent still in the would hurt just as much. Plus, I've decided I can't turn away from her death." Makoto said. They talked for a while longer.  You didn't pay attention until you heard Chihiro talk.

"I don't want to live...if it means killing someone else to do it. I don't wanna kill anyone else!" She said. "What do you mean?" Hiro asked. "Leon died because we all voted for him right? It's no different from us killing him ourselves!" She added on. "But.."
"If we didn't we all you have died instead... That isn't what you wanted is it?" Hina said. "She's right. If you heal that kind of blame on yourself, you'll turn into a full-fledged masochist." Hifumi said. "Chihiro you're not to blame. The mastermind is responsible for everything that's happened. We had to vote I can't imagine what would have happened if we refused. In the end Monokuma killed Leon." Makoto said. Then the nighttime announcement played. However he heard what Makoto said and was cryptic, and freaked everyone out. "W-what was t-that about j-just now!?" Toko said pulling her hair. "Is he saying it's our fault what happened? That's pretty cruel man..." Hiro said. "That piece of shit! Who does he think he is!?" Mondo said. And with that, the day drew to a close.

You woke up the next day to the announcement but he told everyone to go to the gym. While walking there you remembered Toko's reaction when the others talked about Genocide Jack. You planned to ask her about it later. Since you guess your friends...
You ended up being late, walked in and...

"Okay! Lift your arms up! And down! One! Two! Three! Four!"
"On two three four!" He was doing stretches with Taka. Of course that was not the point he brought everyone down. There was a new level of the school unlocked. Time to split up and investigate. You walked over to Toko. "Hey, wanna investigate together?" You asked. "F-fine. But d-don't try anything!" You rolled your eyes. The two of you left the gym and made your way over to the staircase.

"Let's go on ahead. Hina already went towards...the pool...?" You'll check it out later, this is investigation time. You found a classroom around the corner, the two of you went in. "The baby is sleeping, please be quiet..." Toko said reading what the board said. So is now a good time or...naw... wait a bit. There was nothing to note, so you both left. You both then made it to the library. There was a good amount of people here. You looked and saw how dusty it is. "I'm absolutely shocked!" Hifumi said. "Why?" You asked. "They have all these books here, and not ONE copy of ANY of my works!" He remarked. "W-Well yeah...why would they have c-comics in a library? Plus most "fanfic" is j-just porn drawn by a bunch of a-amaterus..." Toko said. Okay here we go. You found a letter. Makoto came in then. You waved and he sweat dropped at the two arguing. And just when you thought they stopped... Makoto asked Toko a question and she answered and...yeah... "I've seen what you wrote Miss Fukawa. Talented as you are, your stuff isn't anymore worthwhile."

"My stories are filled with true love and prue feelings! Don't compare them to that garbage of yours! Your writing doesn't m-mean anything. It's just a bunch of j-jumbled up letters!"

"Ooh, the lady doth protest to much! I bet you're secretly into boy on boy action!"

You found a letter and read it.

"Boy on boy...? I don't care if it's a-anime or comics of fanfic or whatever! It's all filth! Throwaway culture that'll be trashed and forgotten in half a decade! Ugh just talking about it makes me sick to my s-stomach. I feel like I'm g-gonna throw up..."

"You've insulted me and my honor!"

"Um...if your done..." You said hinting to Toko you wanted to leave. You didn't really take no for an answer as you grabbed her wrist and dragged her out. " probably hate me now..." She said. "I don't hate you. Some of the things you said were uncalled for but I don't hate you because of it." You replied. "Why do you keep being so nice! I know it's to m-make fun of me so just drop the a-act already!" She remarked. You stopped and looked her in the eyes. "I don't hate you, I'm not doing this to make fun of you, and I like you. I like spending time with you, that's why I consider you my friend. If I didn't like you I wouldn't have stayed this long." You said. She looked shocked and she was blushing. "I d-don't believe it..." She muttered. "We should head back to the dinning hall, it's getting late." You grabbed her hand and you both went downstairs. The whole time she is blushing and giggling to herself. You decided to let her reaction go and not press on about, at least until she trusts you.

However nobody found anything to help with a way out. By the time you made it back to your room it was nighttime. You laid on your bed....and didn't fall asleep until three AM. Then the next day you got up and went to the dinning hall. "So is everyone here yet?" Makoto asked as he came in right after you. "Nope! Still waiting on Byakuya and Taka. Byakuya is no surprise but it's strange Takas not here yet..." Hiro said.

After Celeste threw a fit at Hifumi Taka came in. "Bad news everyone! There's a mystery afoot! It would seem Byakuya refuses to leave his room!" He said. "Maybe he's not in his room?" You said. "I'd like to think so. But I'm worried something might have happened to him." And with that everyone knew just what he was worried about. "I-it might be a good idea if we all split up and go look for him."

Toko Fukawa x fem reader  Danganronpa trigger happy havocWhere stories live. Discover now