You hurt me....

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Kairi POV:

I woke up in a bright room. My eyes could barely open it was really rough. I look around and see matti? And my mom. "Huh what's going on!?" I asked as they look at me. My mom rushed to get a nurse? What's going on? "Your in the hostpital because of me kairi..." mattia said while looking down. "What!? What did you do?" I ask actually being confused. "I was bullying you, and threw you into a stall and you cut your stomach and I didn't realize it till last minute when your body had shut down." Mattia says while crying. It had all hit me then. But You remember him laughing at me? "But weren't you laughing about it? I remember what happened now" I ask. Mattia looks up at me and starts crying so hard he falls. "Mattia! Are you okay?" I ask while trying to sit up but because of the stitches it hurts. "Kairi I'm so so so so fucking sorry! You don't understand how sorry I am. I feel more than horrible for what I did, but when I brought you here my only way to see you was to say I was your boyfriend and now it's on your records that your boyfriend and your mom are here with you." He says while standing up and wiping his tears. "Matti it's okay. I'm alive and that's all that matters" I say. "Kairi?" He asks. "Yes?" I say. "Do you fear me?" Mattia says with a worried face. "Uhm.." I say not wanting to tell him I fear him. "Kairi I'm so sorry that you fear me! I hate myself so bad" Mattia says while looking at me. "Hey it's okay. I just need sometime to think to myself for a bit okay?" I say as a nurse comes in with my mother. "Mr. Cosentino? Your free to go!" She says while handing me a wrist band for being a strong boy. "Mattia?" My mom asks. "Yes?" He says while turning to her. "Can you come stay with kairi? I'm going on a business trip for two months and I need someone to take care of him." She asks. "Of Course!" Matti says while looking at me with a sad face. "Awesome thank you!" My mom says while getting ready to help me up and take me to the car.

Mattia POV:

I went home to grab my bags to stay at kairis house. "Te amo matti, llamame si necesitas algo!" (I love you matti call me if you need anything) My mom says while giving me a hug. I head back over to kairis house and knock. "Hey!" I say as kairis mom opens the door. "Hey matti! I'm leaving right now so make yourself comfortable! Kairis in his room!" She tells me before hugging me and walking out the house. "Hey Kai" I say as I got to his bedroom door seeing him laying on his bed. "Hey matti!" He says while smiling. "So it's just me and you for the next two months." I say trying to start conversation I guess. "So matti? Why did you bully me?" He asks generally wanting to know. "I- uhm. I only did it because I wanted my feelings towards you to go away." I say while looking down. "I thought you were straight though?" Kai says while trying to not sound confused. "I am gay. I just am scared to admit it..." I say as there's a long silence. "So? What if you are gay? Why was it a reason to bully someone who is gay? We used to be best friends mattia! Ever since you seen me get pulled away by robert you have bullied me. AND THAT WAS TWO YEARS AGO MATTIA!" He practically screams at me. "Listen kairi I got jealous. OKAY? I love you kairi! And I was scared to admit it!" I say while looking down, tears threatening to fall. "Listen! You bullied me so bad that i though about killing my self! You had me so scared of looking in a mirror because of the bruises mattia! I was scared to wear shorts, I was scared to tell my mom because she loves you so much she wouldn't believe me if I said it was you!" Kairi said and I looked down while bawling my eyes out. That moment I knew i fucked you big time. "I'm sorry Kai. I'm sorry for everything, I know I was wrong for bullying you. I'm sorry kairi please just know I love you and never meant  to hurt you." I just wanted you to be mine I thought to myself. "Please just go to the guest room I need some time to myself for a bit" kairi tells me while covering his face crying. I walked into the guest room and sat there looking at the ground crying. That's when I hear the faint words "mattia please! I need help" I hear kairi say. "KAIRI!" I yell while looking at him on the ground crying while trying to get up. "Please don't yell at me I've had to much please just help me!" Kai says while trying to get back on the bed.  I help him up and sit on his bed. "Kairi Cosentino. I know your probably really mad at me but you need to know that I love you deeply. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true you were my number one always, and I need you in my life. I know I fucked up and messed almost everything up but your important to me and I can't lose you!" I say while giving him a hug. "Mattia I don't hate you I was just scared. I needed time to recover and I just lost myself and my thoughts and I just got lost. I needed someone most and he wasn't there. He was bullying me and having sex with his ex" kairi says. That's what caught me. He was right. I was having sex with my ex and still bullying him. "Kairi. You have me now. Your never losing me no matter what I swear on my life" I say as I look at him. "Mattia you have to say that and not turn around and go and ruin me again. You took my virginity and pretended as if it was nothing. It was a big deal to me and I felt like you didn't care." Kai says while looking at me. "I know kairi but I promise I'll stay with you forever. No girl is worth hurting you again." I say while trying not to cry while burying my head in kais neck since he was in my lap. "Forever you hold your promise?" Kai says while looking me in the eyes. "Forever I hold my promise." I say while giving him a kiss..


Words: 1,169

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