Chapter Sixty Three - Kinsley

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Kinsley ~

We had been home for two days and even though the air in the house felt a little different, it was still home.

Tyson had new faces on his security teams and had gone over safety protocols with me. I was to have a security detail with me at all times, but was free to come and go as I pleased.

My security detail was chatting with Adriana's while we ate lunch together.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you when your aunt passed away," I said softly, covering Adriana's hands with mine.

"You didn't have a choice Kins. I know that. It was dangerous...for everyone at the time." Adriana's voice dropped and she looked down at her lap.

I could feel the guilt radiating off of Adriana as she stared at her lap and I hated it.

"I wanted to call you every day, but I couldn't. You understand that right? Dane and Tyson convinced me it would put your life in danger...but it killed me to abandon you like that. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself."

Adriana's eyes started to brim with tears and I couldn't stand that she blamed herself.

"I'm okay babe. Look at me...that wasn't your fault. It had nothing to do with you. I know you would have flown to New York just to hug my neck and comfort me if you could have. Everyone was acting out of fear, I know that and I don't blame you."

"Let's talk about something happy." I said quickly. "Tell me about this new guy you're seeing."

The guilt and sadness dissolved into excitement as Adriana shifted in her seat, sitting up a little straighter to give me the details.

"We haven't gone on an official date yet, but we text and FaceTime all the time."

"How'd you meet him?" I asked as Adriana pulled her phone out to show me a picture.

"Friend of a friend." She said casually, flipping her phone around so I could see his picture.

I winced slightly at the sight. He wasn't at all what I was expecting. I thought I was about to look at a wealthy billionaire, but that's not what was on the screen.

"What?" Adriana asked, reading my facial expression before I could control it.

Quickly regaining control of my face, I shook my head slightly and gave her a smile.

"Nothing, just be careful. He looks dangerous." I said meekly.

Adriana gave me an over exaggerated eye roll in response.

"Says the girl who's in love with Tyson Santoro."

Fair enough.

"Good point." I said with a smirk.

"How are you guys by the way? After everything that happened are you all okay or is there still some tension?"

I thought about her question for a second or two before answering, taking a bite of my lunch as mulled it over.

"No tension, but things are...different."

"Different how?" Adriana asked, genuinely curious.

"Just different. Like we had to start over. I've forgiven them for sending me away and as much as I hated it, I understand that their motives came from a good place. But that unwavering trust I had in them is something that we are still rebuilding."

"That's tough, but I know you guys will get through it. Those two love you more than life itself."

I know they do. I love the way they love me.

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