Chapter 9

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anu: what happened

debu: are I forgot you were going to tell me about avu

anu: yaa, actually avu is dhananjay sir daughter as you know her sister was molested and she suicides after this avu was totally broken and ask dhananjay sir that papa if somethings happen to me same then but he says that no I can't lost my second daughter and then avu and me started practicing together

debu: oh that's the story

anu: and yes you have____________ no... no not so easy

debu: what why, just tell na

anu: no its a surprise for you

debu: but I don't like suprises

anu: but I like and go to your house right now or else you want to sleep here?

Debu: no I don't want to sleep with you angry bird

anu: haww, get out from here and don't dare to show your face to me

debu: so sorry madam you have to face me everyday

anu: oh ya but for now good night

(debu went from there)


In den

nishant: okay now we are in den and also it is morning already now tell me about your so called surprise.

Muskaan: don't you have patience, I am not going to tell you

nishant: what, why?

Muskaan: cool mr. I will show you

nishant: okay

and there ranvijay is burning in jealous because he secretly likes muskaan but due to conditions he can't express

ranvijay: sir(loudly because of jealousy)

all are shocked at his action

ranvijay: ab I mean sir you called everyone here so I think there is must be some work can we do it

dhananjay: yaa, so everyone I am here to tell you about another brilliant agent/officer who is best friend of muskaan and partner of her in her all missions and other amazing agent also who is partner of nishant

everyone except muskaan: oh okay

nishant: so, this was your surprise

muskaan: real surprise is left, but now I am in shock that who is other

nishant: oh so you don't know, just wait you will be surprised for sure

dhananjay: so presenting agent S & S

everyone: what?

Then two agent comes but they wore the mask. Suddenly they take out their guns and shoot nishkaan no but not them. Actually, there were some goon who were pointing nishkaan but they did not know. And S&S shoots them. All of them in shock about their sudden action.

Dhananjay: oh S&S, you will kill me someday

S&S: sorry sir

nishkaan: now please get out your mask

S&S smiles

dhananjay: so meet agent shikha and agent shekhar

they remove their mask and nishkaan in shock.

Nishkaan: sid/avu

so S&S is none other than sidneet (shikha=avu, shekhar=sid)

shikha: you bander ke bache

shekhar: you angry chorni

shekhara(ship name of shikha and shekhar): what are you doing here

dhananjay: o great you two know each other

shikha: yes, he is my boyfriend, oops

dhananjay: what? In shock what are you saying

shikha: ab anu will tell you

muskaan: what? But why me

nishant: are avu, I mean I can't understand what is going here I know sid's identity but not yours

dhananjay: you both will continue later, let me ask her question

muskaan: ab uncle

dhananjay: uncle?

Muskaan: now you are talking about your daughter so I call you uncle and there is no problem that avu & sid are in relationship they have right and also they have their own life to live I know there is condition but avu & sid are in relationship before joining and I will take guaranty that I like to die but I'll stop avu from doing anything wrong so now please stop your fatherhood because we are in den

everyone except nishkaan and shekhara: fatherhood? Sir you have daughter?

Dhananjay: ya

one random officer: but she is so cute, I like her

shekhar: oye, we are already in relationship don't try to put eye on her

random officer: o...o...ok....k, cool

(after shekhar's action dhananjay is impressed)

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