Chapter 3:You Lost Me

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Rara had cried herself to sleep. Her heart was absolutely broken.

Her cell rings up in the afternoon waking her up. She lazily reaches out for it and picks it up without thought

"Hello..."she mutters sleepily.

"Oh Ra Ra! Where are you?" A familiar voice greets her.

She checks the name of the caller.

"Why Sunghoon ah?" She yawns.

"You were asleep? At this time of the day?!"

"I had nothing better to do anyways."

There is silence on his part, a moment of hesitation.

"Ra Ra...go out with me!" He says suddenly,bringing her back to her senses.

"Park Sunghoon?! What?!"

"You heard me,go out with me!"

A moment of silence again.

"Hey,I mean come with me to this party tonight. That's what I meant. Not the other meaning..."he quickly justified himself.

"Ah...that's what you meant..."she sighs.

"But why would you invite me?" She asks.

" I not your friend? Probably the closest one after Jaeyu-" she cuts him off.

"Don't talk about him." She snaps.

He senses something must have happened and decides to change the subject.

"You coming or not?" He asks again.

Ra Ra gives it some thought.

Why does she have to sit and cry over that boy when he doesn't care at all? She was only causing more harm to herself by not interacting with people and not having any friends.

She has to get over him. She doesn't need someone who doesn't even care.

"I will go out with you Hoon."

"Great! I will come by to pick you up!"

They hang up.

She stares at the phone.

She takes in a deep breath,and opens her contacts. Her fingers hover over a certain contact. She presses edit.

Jaeyun💖 -------> Jake

She nods. She gets up and looks into the mirror.

"Hello new me!"


Hoon is surprised to find Ra Ra dressed in all black. She had a fierce expression. This was in complete contrast to her usual self,the colourful clothes and cheery smile. That girl was gone.
Something huge must have happened.

"Everything alright with you?"he asks.

She nods confidently.

"Where are we heading to?"

"A classmate's birthday party." He  tells her.

She didn't care who it was. She just wanted to find freedom.


They take the subway and reach their destination in a couple of minutes.

It was pretty wild,people everywhere,blaring music and dancing teenagers.

It was Ra Ra's first time at such an event. She didn't even know anyone and stuck close to Hoon,who every one seemed to know.

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