(Miku x Rin) Camping trip!

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Miku's PoV:

     Why did I agree to this? This hike is killing me! Not to mention the fact that I'm carrying the heavier half of the camping supplies! "Miku! We're almost there!" ... Rin... WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE!?!?!? Somehow, Rin had convinced me to go camping with her. I think she was sparkling when she invited me. How can she be such a sweetheart when her brother is a meme gremlin???

     "Rin, I'm tired..." I say with a sigh. Immeadiatly, she stops dead in her tracks. "Sit down here! I'll get you some berries!" And with that, she's off. I sit down to take a sip of water.

     "I'm back, my queen!" She yells out for the entire forrest to hear as she summersults right infront. "Rin, wh-why did you call me 'my queen'?" "Because you are! And plus, your face is cute when you're blushing!" I touch my face to check the heat and it is warm... "Rin, why are you so precious?" I mumble. It seems like she didn't hear me. We sit there and eat the berries.

Rin's POV:

     Miku's so amazing! I didn't expect her to agree to this camping trip. Her voice is beautiful, she's successful, she's pretty, she's supprisingly nice, she's fun to be around she's- wait all of those aee understatements. I used to be jeaulous of her but now I'm her girlfriend! I hope she likes the spot I chose. I made sure it was pretty... Ummm... Miku's hair is in her mouth now........ Oh well it's cute!

     "Rin, how close are we to the camping spot?"
"5 more minutes"
"Oh okay let's go!"
"Oki doki!"
And with that, we're off! We're super duper close to the camping spot! I hope Miku likes it!

~Time skip brought to you by sake~

     Finally! We're here! There's a small clearing in the forrest that's rihht next to the edge of the cliff! The sun is setting and the breeze feels nice. I turn around to look at my girlfriend. "Rin, it's beautiful..." "Hehe I know" I turn around to start setting up the tent but then I feel miku peck my cheeck. "Fufufu~ how cute" She chuckles softly.

     "YA'LL SIMPS!!!" We both look around to find the source of the noise. Of course, it's Len ontop of a tree. Miku and I start throwing leeks and oranges at him until he falls off and dies or something idk.

     And with that, we finnished setting everything up, just in time to look at the stars. "This place is beautiful. Thank you, Rin" "You're welcome, Mi~ku!" We sit side by side near the edge of the cliff to look at the stars. I start to write "39" into the dirt with my finger.

     After sitting there for a while, we get up and go back in the tent to grab are pajamas. We both changed into them and after eating some food, we lay down to go to bed. "I love you, Rin~" She whispers in my ear. "I love you too, Miku"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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