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Chapter 69:I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games

How can there be a white voice when "cold branches fall white"?

After a strong impact, Cheng Zhichu's expression was blank, and his heart was filled with a huge sense of horror. The sound of "squeaky" in his head almost stopped breathing.

The "cold twigs" did not seem to feel his fear, still touch his warm skin, cold ice-like lips sliding across his cheeks and earlobe, bringing a shuddering feeling.

There is nothing in the air in the eyes of Cheng Zhichu. There is no entity in the "cold branches and whites". It is hidden in his consciousness. Although this touch is very vivid, it seems that it is not real.

The groom sat next to him, did not notice any abnormalities, he did not know, just beside him, "cold branches and whites" silently encroached on him in the spirit of Cheng Zhichu.

Is it because "cold branches and whites" invaded his consciousness, can use anyone's voice, and just selected Bai Yi, will be exactly the same as Bai Yi's voice?

Cheng Zhichu breathed slightly and recovered from the shock, because the touch on the cheek was so hard to ignore.

He couldn't help but cover his face. However, this is a feeling of being sent from the spirit. Even if it is blocked by hand, it is useless. On the contrary, because of his resistance, the "cold branches" are more severely kissed.


In the ear of Cheng Zhichu, a gentle breath was heard. In his feelings, it was like "cold branches and whites" deliberately blowing a tone in his ear to show his existence.

His hands rested on Cheng Zhichu's shoulders, pressed him ** the seat back, biting his lips, rubbing his soft lips with his cold lips, and then seemed to open his teeth. I kissed him deeply.


Cheng Zhichu had a big eye. Although he knew that the kiss didn't exist, he couldn't help but make a short sigh, which attracted the attention of the groom.

"What happened to you at the beginning?"

The groom reached out and touched the cheek of Cheng Zhichu, who was stunned with blushing. "The cold branches are white," I don’t know what the mentality is. I put my hands in the same position, overlapping the groom’s hands, and also touching. His face.

Both hands are equally cold, but the way they touch is different. It is extremely horrifying, but it brings a little numbness, which makes Cheng Zhichu's scalp numb, and the heart beats to explode.

The flexible tongue continued to stir in his mouth, and the tip of his tongue swept over the sensitive captain and kissed him unscrupulously.

No, can't let the groom see it...

Cheng Zhichu closed his eyes and there was a little tear in his eyes. Although he knew that the groom could not see anything, it was not that he really kissed the "cold branches and whites," but he couldn't help but push the groom's hand. Lived in his mouth and plunged into the bridegroom's arms.

"Know the beginning?"

The headless man made a move and put his hand on the back of Cheng Zhichu's tremble. The voice was confused and joyful. He was happy for his bride's active closeness, but he was worried about his condition and calmed down. Patted his back.

[At first, you see, he doesn’t know anything. 】

"Hot branches fell white" with Bai Yi's voice in his consciousness, and laughed low and said.

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