All eyes on me

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{This chapter is for _zombiegutz_, EndlessDisease & DecmberZoey101 for leaving comments of support that gave me the motivation to write and release this so soon. Thank you 💜}

The rest of the gym class was normal with only the standard workout for 15-20 minutes then the rest of the period we just played a game. The rest of the day was normal with the odd look or stare. The study session with Fuji-san went smoothly besides the fact that we had to go to his dorm to find a lost page of his missing assignment. As well as a quick stop by my dorm so I could change into a tank top, tight shorts, and my favorite sun hat for the gardening I planned to do afterward. He was doing quite well with learning this new language and I congratulated him on it just to see the color of his cheeks rise for the compliment. Within an hour we had finished and we parted ways.

 Fujisaki went back towards the dorms while I stayed to plant a new shipment of red double knock-out rose bushes that I had ordered before returning. With a wheelbarrow full of peat moss, a short-handled shovel, and four potted rose bushes I set forth to find a place to put my new babies. Finding the perfect spot for my new babies in a place where they could get six to eight hours of sun. Looking through my wheelbarrow I found that I had forgotten my gloves, I signed and started my jog back to my supply shed. With gardening gloves in hand, I made my way past the tables I and Fuji had been studying on earlier. I slowed down when I passed it and saw Fujisaki’s plain black cloth pencil case, tucked in between the leg of the table and the chair. Bending over, I picked up the case and started to jog over to the freshman dorm building.

Huh, he wasn't there, maybe he went to my room to look for it if he even noticed it was missing at all. entering the second-year dorm building as I entered I saw two of my brightly colored peers walking away from me, with the taller arm wrapped around the shoulders of the blue one. Seeing them turn away around the hall, I walked up to the room they had just left that I assumed was Yuri’s from the messy and unkempt handwriting. Looking into the ajar door I froze and my blood ran cold even if I ran all the way here. 

There on the hard wooden floors of my classmate, Ayato Yuri was my childhood friend and crush tied up on the floor forced into a fetal position. Surrounded by the man I ran into in the bathrooms, the purplette from the library, and the energetic blonde from my gym class. As Well as two other strangers. Stepping in front of the door, I made eye contact with Fujisaki from the floor. I could feel other pairs of eyes looking at me and my body that was rather exposed from how they stuck to my body with sweat. 

Placing the pencil pouch on the inside of the frame of the dorm, I grabbed the doorknob and began pulling it shut, not making eye contact with any of the men inside the room. Trying to pull the door shut I was stopped by the embarrassed man on the floor shouting out my name.
“[Y/n]- Kun! T-This isn’t what it l-ooks like I-I swear!?!”

If I  hadn't had all eyes on me then I sure did now,  Fujisaki had moved himself onto his knees. I took a look at the males scattered around the small bedroom. As my hand released the doorknob and placed my foot behind me to try and leave, I made eye contact with a sinister smiling blonde. 

The soft tapping of my shoe seemed to have triggered something as the blonde shot up towards me reaching out as if trying to embrace me. 

“[L/n]-Kun! You know this pervert?” he asked, pulling back inside the dorm room and sitting on the bed next to the man I spilled water on. 

“Ummm, yes but could someone tell me what you're doing to Fujisaki-chan?”

“Well, you see Fuji-san here has been stalking one of my club members and starting to steal things that he was never supposed to have. So, my club and I came here to give him a little talk. and get him to return the things that he's stolen.” 

“Then why are you all in Yuri-Kun's room?”

“Oh that's simple, we found him in here hiding under the bed!” he said as if that wasn’t a major innovation of a person's privacy. While Akemi spoke I turned to glare down at the shameful-looking black-haired man. 

“Fuji…” I spoke 

“Y-Yes?”He flinched at my lack of honorific and stony tone that I had used.

“You had me help you with your homework so you could go break into your crush's room and lay under his bed.”

“I-It’s not breaking i-in Yuri-Kun h-himself gave m-me the key!”

“Whatever you say Fuji-san let's just get you out of here.” I sigh, pushing myself off the bed to him, and began to skillfully untie him. 

“ I’m really sorry about this, you all should be doing club activities right now not dealing with this.” I apologized glancing around at the two other males that sat on the floor. 

“It's alright we were just worried about Yuri-Kun and his belongings.” One of the strangers said, looking at me with kind gray eyes and a small smile. I smiled back at him pulling the last knot that held Fujisaki in place. I gently hosted him to his feet, giving everyone an apologetic glance. I made my way to the exit with Fuji following behind me his hand in mine. Turning away I bent down to grab the pencil pouch I had just left by the door frame. I could feel all eyes on my ass.

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