• Them meeting your Parents •

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• Telling the whole school that you guys were dating ment telling it to the whole town.
• There were so many rumors flying around, but your boys made sure to keep you away from them.
• buut
• the Rumors eventually reached your Parents' ears.

• ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
• how fun is that eeh

• they were like wtf
• 4?? At once??? All bullys???? !??!?!?
• confused parents yay
• also they were beyond mad oops

• but after probably a week of you ranting about how in love you are, how their words will not affect you and you will be with your boys - also explaining to them how protective and loving they are towards you - you convinced your parents to at least meet them.

• then you told ur boys
• they were shook
• except Patrick - he was chill, he didn't care.

• Henry was probably the most nervous because he was never good with older generations.
• Vic was also nervous cause he didn't wanna ruin anything either.
• Reggie, welp he was kinda in between - baby knows how to be nice and a gentleman so you definetly were relying on him.
• safe to say you weren't worried about Belch. Actually about Vic and Henry too.

• Though you were beyond worried about Pat.
• I mean yeah you trusted him with your life but still.
• you lectured him. Like you literally tortured this poor boy.
• he probably didn't even listen to half of what you said but ok.

• so the day came.
• *dramatic music*
• and you're waiting for the boys for dinner.

• Suprisingly they arrive on time in Reggie's car.
• piling out of it, you see:

• Henry with his hair neatly styled/brushed so it's not messy like usual.
• plus him wearing his nicer clothes.

• Patrick and Vicky both wearing flannels/button ups, looking hot as ever whooh
• with Pat's hair slicked back
• Victor holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers.

• and Reggie, he had the brightest smile on his face.

• You almost cried
• You were so proud cause they were actually trying
• even Patrick.

• as the day went on, nervousness slowly washed away from the boys.
• seeing as your parents were warming up to them, you relaxed too.

• As you were sitting around the dining table, you listened as your parents kept asking your boys questions about their grades, future plans and all that boring stuff bla bla bla
• a couple of lies were told
• but that's ok

• the boys were being so polite
• like you knew Reg and Vic would be because they were on the polite side in general
• but Henry and Patrick...
• you literally wanted to wrap them both in your arms and kiss them all over
• (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
• all of them just warmed your heart.

• They were also so affectionate towards you I-✋
• they made sure to compliment you about like EVERYTHING.

• "you look really beautiful this evening, my dear" - said frEAKING PATRICK HOCKSTETTER
• he noticed and winked at you
• that asshole
• ♡

• they also tried not being waaayyy too touchy.
• they held your hands
• kissed your cheeks
• and forehead too bc they're so fucking tall
• *cRiES*

• Reggie made sure to compliment your mom on how delicious the food was.
• he also helped you guys clean after omgggg

• Vic and Henry were desperately trying to win your Dad over.
• they finally found out that they all liked somekind of sports team.
• and started talking about the games they've watched and all that stuff
• your Dad actually suggested the boys come over to watch the next game together with him.
• You were overjoyed

• As this lovely evening came to an end, you walked your boys outside.
• all five of you could finally breathe again lol
• you basically threw yourself onto them
• group huuug

• you also may have shed a tear or two
• Henry kissed them away

• You made sure they knew how proud you were
• and they were so happy.

• finally you kissed them one by one
• and let them go.
• you stood outside and watched them until Reggie's Trans Am was out of sight.

• turning around, you saw your parents peeking out of the window
• lol
• letting yourself in the house, you're met by their smiling faces.

• They loved them.
• wow
• Your mom had a soft spot for Reg probably bc He helped with the clean up haha
• basically they approved

• "It's still weird that you're dating 4 people"
• but they'd get used to it
• then they started making jokes about how weird your guys' Wedding would be and that's when you knew you had to run upsairs and lock yourself in your room.

• lol

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