• Mornings •

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• You and the boys had had a sleepover at one of your guys' houses
• yall were watching movies and cuddling on the bed and eventually all of you fell asleep.

• You guys would be sprawled onto each other
• Funny huh

• Vic was practically on top of Reggie lol
• with you next to them, with Henry's arms around you
• and then Patrick.

• let's say you wake up first
• cause like you fell alseep first and these four dumbasses probably stayed up till like 5 am

• okay so you wake up and it's hot
• I mean, everyone is everywhere
• And you try wiggling out of Henry's grip
• Wormᵗᵐ 🪱

• but he starts groaning and moving around
• he accidentally hits Pat with his arm and Patrick straight up jumps awake
• Cause I think all of us canonically accepted the fact that his boy is a hella light sleeper.

• So he looks around, whining that he's been waken up.

• Then he spots you
• "Why tf are you awake so early"
• but like it's not early
• lol
• "Cause I didn't stay up all night like You Pat"

• He just hums in response and lays back down.
• He reaches his arm over Henry and takes your hand
• cause sleepy Patrick = softie Patrick
• and that's fucking rare so you decide to cherish the moment

• He's playing with your fingers now I-
• (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
• You're whispering back and forth
• maybe discussing the movie you guys watched earlier or just talking nonsense about random shit cause both of you are half asleep.

• "If you guys don't fucking shut up I swear I'll -"
• WHOOOPS you woke up Henry
• now he's mad

• Patrick just chuckles
• and you apologize to Henry, whose trying rub sleep out of his eyes

• Once he finally opens his eyes, you just stare 😳 
• his eyes are so blue and gentle, like an ocean when it's calm...
• (okay I got carried away right there oops)

• he just smirks at you
• and you felt your face burn/heat up
• Patrick straight up barks a laugh, waking up Reggie and Vic

• They just stare at you guys dumbfounded
• like wtf

• No seriously, can you Imagine

• Patrick's laughing hysterically
• Henry's smirking like a jerk he is
• and you're just sitting there embarrassed


• Henry kinda just softens then and kisses your head aww
• "s'okay baby"

• Reggie's like "good morning I guess"
• He scoops Vicky onto the Bed, kisses his cheek and gets up
• then he walkes around the Bed, giving each of you good morning kisses and walks off into the kitchen to make some food

• Vic's cold now cause he lost his warmer
• so he cuddles up to you

• Or more like clinges to you like a Koala
• and nearly suffocates you
• but you don't mind
• so you start playing with his hair and he instantly falls back asleep

• Henry and Patrick just watch you guys
• but this time Pat is like almost draping over Henry like a blanket

• sooner or later, Reggie returns with some food yay
• nothing much, maybe just pancakes 🥞
• but they're delicious cause Reginald is actually great at cooking

• so you guys just sit there in bed, eating.
• Victor eventually wakes up again and joins you

• so you stay in bed for quite a while
• just cuddling with your boys

• until sleep washes away completely and they return back to their maniac selves
• and start messing around
• that's when you know you gotta get up lol.

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