'Daily Prophet' Article No.3

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Daily Prophet

pg. 09 - Politics

GARFANTELL: A New Dark Wizard Reveals Himself!

M. Amerinus, Reporter

Fri Nov 12, 2004


At around 10 o'clock this morning, a large crowd of people had gathered around a fountain situated at the centre of Diagon Alley. They were jostling each other out of the way to get a closer look at whatever was positioned at the fountain. As I walked over to see what had caused the commotion, I suddenly clapped eyes on the same cloaked figure who had been responsible for the two attacks featured in this newspaper over the past half a year or so. He was addressing the large congregation of people gathered in front of him. He was inviting them to join his cause: to promote wizarding - particularly pureblood - supremacy, as well as to take action to avenge those who were killed fighting alongside Voldemort during the Second Wizarding War.                 He declared that he had already gathered a few followers during his rally at Knockturn Alley, and that anyone else was welcome to join his gang of 'Nagini's Children' if they proved themselves to be worthy of his trust.

I struggled against the masses, trying to get close enough to the malefactor to be able to arrest him. But my attempt was futile - there were far too many people blocking my path. The crowd was raucous. Most people seemed infuriated by the dark wizard's words, and were firing all sorts of spells in his direction. Nevertheless, the man remained unharmed, since an invisible dome-shaped barrier seemed to surround him.

Whilst the majority of the onlookers were manifestly antagonistic towards the self-proclaimed 'Dark Lord', a handful of them stepped forward and pronounced their allegiance to the dark wizard. Upon swearing loyalty to their new leader, the traitors were able to pass through the barrier and take their place beside the Dark Lord.

Just when it seemed that the wizard had concluded his speech, he made a final announcement. He divulged his identity. Garfantell was his name; and he claimed to be the son of the previous Dark Lord - Voldemort himself - and his beloved snake, Nagini.                                                                Not once throughout the course of his entire speech did Garfantell remove the hood of his cloak to reveal his face. Therefore, this man - or should I say 'creature', if he is who he claims to be - is still as unidentifiable as he was prior to his grand divulgence.

Once he had finished speaking, Garfantell suddenly disappeared in a puff of red smoke. Once the cloud of crimson smoke dissipated, there was no trace of him left. 

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter series - all credit for creating this amazing universe goes to J. K. Rowling.

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