Chapter 7. Rose's Wand

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Lunch was served outdoors. The blazing sun, moored in the pale blue sky, stretched out its golden arms. Rays of sunlight illuminated the verdant meadows. Under the sun's rays, every hue of the blades of grass, petals of flowers, and leaves of trees, was kissed into brilliance. The symphony of honeyed tones caused joy to seep into Rose's skin once again, and her heartbeat to regain its steady rhythm.

The wooden table on the veranda was laden with mouth-watering dishes, including roast chicken, lamb chops, boiled potatoes, as well as an asparagus salad with feta cheese and a lemon vinaigrette. Once everyone had finished eating, their stomachs full - all of the platters, plates, glasses and cutlery were magically cleared from the table. Rose thanked her parents for the delicious meal and went back indoors. She collected her wand box from the living room and then headed upstairs to her room to open it in private.

Rose gently removed the lid off the box and drew out the wand, which was cushioned against the soft velvet lining of the container. The wand was slender, 10 ½ inches long and supple. As her fingers wrapped around the handle of the wand, she felt a sudden rush of warmth flood into them. Her heart beginning to race with excitement, Rose raised the wand above her head, brought it swishing down and then around through the air, and gave it a little flick. A few golden sparks shot from its end, and then one of the feathers that Rose's new owl had shed earlier that day, rose approximately 10 cm into the air, before falling back to the ground. A broad grin spread across Rose's face - she had just cast her first spell! And, moreover - it had been a success! Much to her surprise, Rose found that her wand box had no label stating the wand's wood and core as Hugo's had, but she wasn't that bothered by this, as she was sure her mother would know what materials her wand was composed of. Hermione knew EVERYTHING!

Rose found Hermione in her study, biting on the tip of her quill whilst deep in thought. "Whatcha doin', Mum?" The sudden sound of her daughter's voice announcing her presence in the room startled Hermione. She jumped up in her seat and her elbow knocked over the ceramic inkwell standing on her desk. The jet black ink pooled on the leather surface of the desk and was beginning to become absorbed by the material. Hermione instantly conjured a cloth and used it to wipe off the ink. She turned to face Rose, who was standing in the doorway with an apologetic smile on her face. "Rose! You gave me a fright!" "Sorry mum," Rose apologised, glancing at her sheepishly. "I didn't mean to startle you..." Hermione nodded her head in silent agreement for her to proceed. "I have a question...Do you know what my wand is made of?" Rose asked. "There's no label on the box," she clarified hastily. Rose thought she saw a trace of fear cross Hermione's face, but it was soon replaced by a look of ostensible confusion. Rose's mother knitted her brows and tilted her head quizzically. "That's odd," she said, "it should have a label." "It didn't," Rose assured her. "I'm afraid that I don't remember what your wand is made of," Hermione smiled apologetically. "We can ask Mr. Ollivander next time we visit Diagon Alley," she proposed, seeing Rose's face fall and attempting to raise her spirits. "Yes...That's a good idea," Rose offered Hermione a half-hearted smile. Leaving the room, Rose mulled over the fact that Hermione didn't have an answer to her question. She had been confident that her mother would be able to recall the wood and magical core of her wand. And yet - she hadn't. It looked like Hermione didn't know absolutely everything after all. 

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