Chapter 8. A Night-Time Conversation

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As Hugo's soft snores echoed around the room that he shared with his sister, Rose lay wide awake in her bed. Her eyes remained open, fixed on the ceiling above. Hugo had fallen asleep almost as soon as his head had hit the pillow, as he was so exhausted by the day's events. Although Rose was equally tired, sleep remained elusive as she battled to quiet the cacophony of questions and concerns swirling around in her head. Even as fatigue weighed heavily upon her, she was unable to give into the warm and welcoming arms of sleep, thoughts racing through her mind like wildfire. Hugo's steady breaths filled the quiet room as Rose rolled onto her side to look through the window at the blanket of stars overlying the night sky.


A few minutes later, Rose heard hushed voices coming from the dining room. Slowly she crept down the stairs and discreetly peered through the doorway. Her parents were standing by the wooden cabinet that had previously held the twins' wands. "Thank Merlin McGonagall's protective enchantments lasted for all those years," she heard Hermione say to Ron. "Who knows what would have happened if...," her mother's voice broke off and Rose could see Ron gently place a reassuring hand on Hermione's shoulder, offering silent support. Hermione cleared her throat and took a deep breath before she resumed speaking. "If the charms hadn't been strong enough, Garfantell undoubtedly would have taken the wands long ago. There is nothing to stop him now -," she inhaled sharply, abruptly turned away from her husband, and hurried out of the room. Rose quickly slid into the broom cupboard to the right as her mother rushed past. Ron looked helplessly after his wife's retreating figure and remained standing in the room. His eyes brimmed with pain and Rose longed to offer him comfort through a hug, and yet she was unable to bridge the distance that separated them without betraying that she had been eavesdropping on his conversation with Hermione. So instead she climbed back up the stairs with a heavy heart. Once in her room, she slipped into bed, pulled the covers up to her chin and squeezed her eyes shut, desperate to find solace in sleep.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter series - all credit for creating this incredible universe goes to J.K. Rowling!

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