The Beginning.

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Y/N's POV:

I was on the train sitting in a compartment with my group Astrid,Callum,Blaise and that stupid blonde boy Draco Malfoy. We were talking and laughing but of course the only person who was stuck up and quiet was mr. blondie. Ugh I hated this mans guts and he hated mine. There was no reason to it, we just hated eachother.

 ''Soooo.. are you excited or what guys?!'' Astrid said looking at all of us as we were pretty close to hogwarts. ''Duhhh! The only thing i am not excited for is the ceremony we go through on the beginning of every school year.'' Blaise said while pouting causing us all but Malfoy to giggle a bit ''I am kinda excited to see my dorm after a long time! I just wanna sleep in it. This train seat sucks'' I say as Astrid, Blaise and Cal nod their heads. ''Well of course its uncomfortable. It's a fucking train seat.'' Malfoy huffed out as i could tell he was annoyed by my presence.  ''Honestly Malfoy, what the fuck is your problem with me?'' I said seriously while looking at him, straightening my back. ''Okay guys.. please don't fight here.'' Callum said while placing his hand on my knee to comfort me and calm me down. ''Whatever.'' we both mumbled at the same time.

When we arrived Blaise took Astrid's trunk and Callum took mine ''Holy shit Nuggs, your trunk is heavy as heck!'' He giggled and we got to the dinning room after putting our trunks away (When you were children, Cal gave you a nickname. Nuggs, because you loved nuggets so  much.)  ''God im aleredy bored as fuck.'' Blaise rolled his eyes when Dumbledore spoke up and introduced us the 1st years, they were ADORABLE! I remember my first year, meeting Astrid and Blaise.. and Malfoy. After the sorting the food appeared infront of us. ''I missed this so much!!'' Astrid said excitedly before putting some food on her plate. ''Yup, same'' Callum said with a smile on his face while we all put food on out plates and start eating.

After dinner we went to our dorms, i started putting my clothes and stuff from my trunk and putting it in my dresser then i put the trunk under my bed. I layed down and started thinking about dinner again. Something was off. I noticed Draco was litearlly STARING at me a lot during dinner. It confused me, why was he looking? Was he thinking about how ugly i am or was he plotting an evil plan on how to get rid of me? I decided to take a shower becasue that train ride was long enough for me to sweat a lot. I picked up a long tee with shorts from my dresser and got into my bathroom, locking the door, starting the shower. After the shower i dried my hair and got in the fresh clothes, as soon as i walked out of my bathroom i heard a knock. I opened the door and Cal was standing there. ''Can i help you?'' I raised one eyebrow while looking at him with a confused smile. ''Hey Nuggs! The crew is in my dorm, wanna come?'' He sends a warm smile my way as i nod, we get to his dorm and everyone looked at me welcoming me. Except the blond, grey eyed boy. He just looked at me with envy. I don't know what's wrong with me, but i found it hot.

Shit y/n.. snap out of it, you hate eachothers guts.



Q: How are you today? If you need anyone to talk to im always here, remember that please! :))

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