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I snatch my wrist out of his grip, ready to give him a piece of mind when he suddenly stands up and says,

"Allow me," he makes a gesture of bowing before settling me back on my seat.

I watch as he goes behind the counter and asks RM to ask me if I like chicken soup; I guess they don't know that I can understand Korean a little, and I'll gladly play along.

"He's asking if you can eat chicken soup," RM asks, and I nod looking at Jimin.

I thought he was going to make me eat the porridge forcefully, but instead, here he is, being a gentleman and making a soup for me, abandoning his own dinner. Seeing him like this, I wonder if they have the same expectations of me. I'd hate to break it to them, but I'm out of here in a week. I don't want them in my life right now.

I turn towards Jin, who is quietly eating his dinner, bowing his head down. No traces of the earlier shine in his eyes.

"How are you out of bed so early, Jin? You looked pretty worn out before." hearing his name he realizes I'm talking to him and looks towards RM for translation. After understanding my question, he turns to me,

"You came. I feel good after your touch." In any other context, this line would have been taken as an innuendo, but I get what he means; After feeding the bond, he feels a little better because I do too. I'm sure my fever has gone down quite a bit.

I nod and turns towards Jimin again before I hear him asking,

"How you feel?"

Without looking back at him, I reply, "Better." keeping my answer short and my voice monotone intentionally so he would take the hint and stop bothering me, Which he does but I don't miss the saddening look on his face from my peripheral view.

I assess Jimin. His soft features, blue hair, and petite figure. He couldn't be any farther from my taste in men. Eric was tall: around 5'10, a five o'clock shadow on his strikingly handsome face and brown hair. A complete opposite of my soulmate. Neither of them has a beard, though Jin is tall. If looked at individually, you'd think he's the tallest out of them all, but he isn't. He just carries himself as if he is.

My eyes wandering on Jimin comes to rest on his face; the admiring view in his eyes makes me confused as I look towards the chicken he's throwing his gaze at; Why would he look at chicken admiringly? But my question is answered the next second I catch the mark on his hand glowing, making the knot in my stomach tighten.

I revert my eyes from his hand and to the several faces on the table. Years of waiting to see that glowing mark on Eric's finger, and I see it on someone else's. How did the universe even think that the people totally opposite from my taste; will be the most compatible soulmates for me?

I drag my eyes along each face trying to learn their faces and listening to the names they're calling each other. But I stop when I catch one brown pair of eyes looking straight back at me, observing me. He returns his gaze to his dinner, the take-out their manager brought along when we came, I move my eyes to the rest of the group to see if anybody else caught that, and sure enough, the quiet, grey-haired man was eyeing both RM and me.

The bowl of soup is served in front of me. The warm aroma of the soup stealing my attention from the man and towards itself. Jimin served the soup with some bread, I look at him as he sits back on his chair,

"Eat; before cold," he tells me, enacting the motion, nodding towards the soup. He smiles softly at me, showing his crescent moon eyes.

I nod with a blank face, muttering a thank you. I turn towards my dinner, taking a sip of the soup as I savor its delicious taste on my tongue. I know he is waiting for my reaction, but I don't show it. I don't want to lead them on when I obviously don't share their sentiment.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful for me, and the guys were also trying to keep it down because of mine and Jin's health, I suppose.

After dinner, I get up to rinse my dishes, but just as I start to do so: a voice comes from behind me,

"Don't." I look back at the man interrupting me, it's the guy from before who was eyeing me and RM, his name is Yoongi, I think.

I open my mouth to protest, but he beats me to it.

"We have a dishwasher," he informs me. I nod, leaving the dishes and moving out of the kitchen. I see all the guys except Jin in the living room; he must have gone back to rest some more. Even though there's an improvement, we aren't back to our full health yet.

I hear my name: being called just when I turn around, trying to escape without being noticed but guess not today. I sigh as I turn back around,


"How are you feeling?" Jimin asks,

"Tired, and I have a headache. I'll be going back to my room now." He nods,

"Okay, sleep well. Goodnight," he says, smiling assuringly, but his eyes betray him by showing the disappointment he's feeling.

I walk towards my bedroom. I turn the handle but the coughing sound coming from Jin's room makes me think twice. I know I can help him. When his manager said his state was direr than mine, I didn't think it was true but when I looked at him, this evening, I knew it was.

With a heavy sigh, I turn the doorknob, ignoring Jin, and walk into my room. With my favorite pillow and Jin's sound of coughing, I get ready for the slumber to pull me in.

But when, even after midnight, his coughing doesn't get better, I decided even if I don't want him as my soulmate, relieving him of his misery would be the right thing to do as a human, and I know my mother would want me to do the right thing too.

Quietly, I get out of my room and towards Jin's. The door creaks, and I just hope no one wakes up: especially him.

I shut the door and move to sit beside him on the bed, and just like in the evening: I put my hand on his own, and I put my other hand on his forehead, caressing it. His coughing fit has ceased as soon as I come into contact with him. I look at his ring finger, the glowing star that resembles the one of my necklace Eric gave to me. We always wondered how our marks would look alike. I chuckle,  how ironic.

"What is so funny?" Jin's voice comes, startling me. I immediately try to back up, jerking my hands back, but he grasps it, not letting go.

I look at him wide-eyed, "no-nothing!" I stutter. He chuckles.

"Thank-you, for coming," he says. His eyes: searching my own.

"You were disturbing my sleep," I shrug, playing it cool. "And since you're all good now, I should go back to my room." He nods and loses his grip on my hand, which I take as a positive sign.

"Goodnight," he speaks out, grinning. I nod as I head back to my room.

So much for avoiding them. 

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