Heatwave Chemistry

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Falling in love.

Those words seemed so foreign to Izuku Midoriya due to the bullying that occurred in his past. Back then, he could never think about even talking to a girl, and Yet, right now as he's lying in bed with the heat beating down on him, he only has one thought in his mind, and it wasn't about becoming the #1 Pro. In fact, it wasn't even hero-related. It was about a girl he had become acquainted with.

Her name? Kyouka Jirou.

Jirou had burrowed her way into Izuku's mind with little to no effort. Ever since her amazing performance at the Cultural Festival, Izuku couldn't get her beautiful voice out of his head. Even during the performance, he was caught off guard by the charm of her voice, so much so, that he almost dropped Aoyama while distracted.

Izuku didn't know how to describe it, but whenever he thought of her bright smile while she was singing, his brain would be filled to the brim with dopamine to the point he was sure his head would start popping out cotton candy if there was any more of it.

Even if he never fell for someone before? No one told him that it would be so hard to accept his feelings about the punk rock-loving girl.

This heat wasn't helping either.

For the past five days, most of Japan has been going through a rather brutal heatwave, and it has been utter torture for Izuku. His air conditioner has been on the fritz and his fan was in shambles after a minor accident. Izuku had punched it thinking it was a villain in his sleep.

Izuku had even tried sharing a room with some of his classmates, but that didn't work out for him. He had tried to stay in Bakugou's room, but he left during the first night after Bakugou screamed, "Let's see who can fall asleep faster, you damn nerd!" and was out cold five seconds after. After scrapping that idea, he tried sleeping in Iida's room but he didn't even get to sleep on time because Iida had to read the rules from a list that was at least twenty-four feet long.

At that point he was desperate so he decided to bunk with Mineta. While Mineta himself was pretty chill, the smell of the room was a different story, the smell could only be described as rotten squid. Izuku barely spent an hour there, but before he left, he gave the boy a bucket of cleaning supplies which he had to take from Iida before he was allowed to step into his room.

After dealing with that entire experience, Izuku decided to stay in his room but now he was regretting that decision, but then he remembered a crucial detail, one that could be the means to his salvation: A few days ago, Sero had gone out shopping for the class, and he made sure to spend a bit more cash to get 3 large tubs of ice cream for the entire class.

Izuku sprang up with a burst of energy that had seemingly come from out of nowhere and began to make his way downstairs to complete his quest for relief from this overwhelming heat and his intrusive thoughts of the purple-haired rocker.

'It's a good thing Sero got that ice cream. I'm glad I remembered it before the heatstroke got to me.' Izuku thought while walking into the common room. He couldn't wait for the cold relief that awaited him in the freezer.

Izuku entered the kitchen with a bright smile, only for it to fall the moment he opened the fridge.

The ice cream that Izuku had so desperately wanted to help cool him down had already been wiped clean. Izuku held back tears so as to not flood the entire common room, and to preserve what little hydration he had left in his body. Instead, Izuku shook his head while he wiped away a small teardrop. As Izuku closed the fridge, someone walked into the kitchen. The girl that hounded his thoughts night and day, Kyouka Jirou, had just entered the kitchen, an empty water bottle in her hand.

Izuku could feel his cheeks heat up as Kyouka started to make her way towards the sink, Izuku tried his hardest to keep his heart from sounding like a Travis Barker drum solo as he stared at the purple-haired girl that kept his mind running a mile a minute every night.

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