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*Ellora sat quietly at the bottom of the hallway , she wiped the sweat off her forehead and readjusted her skirt for the 928382th time. All she could think about was if she gets dress coded again or gets suspended for whatever reason. Her dad would ground her forever , no more sleepovers, no more party's , no more friends , no more phone. ,,I'm most definitely running away after this" she thought sarcastically to try and relax herself.

The principal's door finally opens , inside 2 cops staring at the floor stepped back to make room for her , she stood up noticing a blonde woman with a sympathy smile sitting in the corner. ,,Shut the door please" mr. R as she calls him signaled. She took her backpack off placing it on the ground with a knot in her stomach wondering why everyone seems so upset and the type of uncomfortable upset not the mad one.

,,This is Ms. Barns , she's the school's therapist and I think you're already familiar with Sheriff Peterkin and officer Shoupe." mr R  stretched a hand towards them , putting on a forced smile and half coughing in between every phrase.

,,Hi" she awkwardly waved to the people standing not even 3 feet away from her

,,Don't worry, you're not in trouble." She deeply sighed , now laughing  ,,Thank god"

He crossed his arms and took a look at the sheriff again ,,So why am i here ?" Ellora asked not so relieved anymore

,,Something happened and it is my and Ms Barns job to inform you before we hand you over to my friends over here"

,,Darling , your dad is at St John right now he suffered an overdose-" her mouth dropped , she went thru all stages of confusion and anxiety and worry all at once ,,What?Is he ok" She looked over at Shoupe but his eyes did not leave the ground. ,,He is ok right?" Ellora repeated herself while tears formed and quickly shattered

,,We don't know baby that's why you are gonna head over there with the sheriff" the blonde tried to continue but Ellora was already up and headed out the door. The two followed quickly behind*

,,You ok?" Kie asked me as she rubbed wax on her board probably confused at why I've been staring at the same spot for the past 5 minutes


,.You ok?You don't seem fine. Is it him again?" I  rolled my eyes , not surprised because Kie thinks every problem in the world revolves around boys and ouid

,,Nah..." a little butterfly circling the flowers around us reminded me of him ,,It's just really hard around this time of the year , you know?" Kie was completely parallel ,,What?"

,,My dad passing ... no matter how hard I try and distract myself..."

,,Well I'm sure going back to school is gonna help take your mind off shit , I heard they made John B a memorial , geez like they gave a shit about him , when most of them still think he killed Peterkin " great yeah let's change the subject when it comes to my problems

,,Yeah , I gotta head home actually"

,,You just got here!" Kie protested but it makes me really mad when I struggle to open up about something , hoping to get support but they just brush it off and continue about their problems so I'd rather leave. Also her talking about school make me really fucking anxious when I don't even know if I'm going back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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