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(Y'all gon hate me for this.)

Dinah laid still in the arms of her lover, running her fingers through the hair of her fiancé's little brother while staring into space. Angry was an understatement, Dinah was furious. She was angry at that woman, she was angry at society and how they treated people out of their standards so different. Normani kisses Dinah's cheek, but didn't say a word. Normani was too furious. So angry that her trigger finger was itching and she hadn't picked up a gun a day in her life,

Normani quickly pulled up to her childhood house, hearing the sobs from inside the house. Normani turned the nob roughly, not caring if anything broke, she just rushed in the house, followed by Dinah. The cries came from Princeton's room. Dinah was the first to run upstairs as the younger boy became much of a little brother to her. When she slammed open the room door, she saw a sight that instantly made her want to throw up.

There was some woman on top of a completely naked Princeton. It hit Dinah like a ton of bricks.

Princeton was being raped.

Normani was about to rush at the woman, but Dinah beat her to it. All of her pent up anger, all of her pent up sorrow from being abused when she was younger. Dinah snatches the woman off of Princeton and slams her down on the ground. The impact alone caused the woman to scream as Dinah was bigger and stronger then her. Dinah straddled the woman's stomach. Blow after blow after the blow, Dinah's fist seemed to come down harder after each punch. They didn't hear anybody rushing upstairs as Normani was too occupied trying to wrap Princeton up in his covers as he wouldn't let go of Normani.

Andrea ran upstairs, oblivious to the whole altercation as she just got home from a stressful day of work. Andrea gasps, "Mama!" Princeton cries out. Andrea then looked down at Dinah who was beating this random woman's face in. Andrea put two and two together and covers her mouth in disbelief, "DINAH, YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER!" Andrea shouts with her voice full of worry. Not for the woman because she deserved every punch, but for her future daughter-in-law who she feared might go to jail.

Andrea pulled Dinah off of the woman and held the Polynesian descent tightly. Dinah silently cried in Andrea's arms, "I-I'm sorry..." She whispered, thinking of any possibles ways she could've prevented any of this from happening. When the police got there, of course they took Dinah into custody due to her knuckles being completely bloodied, but they released her about an hour later. And while they waited, Normani rescheduled their flight.

Normani noticed since that happened, Dinah had became completely detached. She was slowly reverting back to how she was in college, distant and closed off. Normani hated every moment of it. She wouldn't dare let Dinah go back to her old ways, not when she did everything in her power to break her out of it when they first got together, "Dinah, baby. Are you okay?" Normani asks softly, tightening her grip around the younger woman's waist. Dinah didn't answer, she just continued to run her nails through Princeton's hair.

Normani lets out a shaky breath, "I rescheduled our flight for today, Deej. I don't care what my parents say, Princeton is coming back with us until they come down next month." She explains. Once again, Dinah didn't answer and it was slowly breaking Normani's heart. She started to feel what she used to back in college when Dinah brushed her off or would be locked in her room for two days without eating anything. Normani bit her lip, "I love you, Dinah." She says softly, trying not to show how much this situation was hurting her. Not only did her baby brother get raped, her future wife was becoming more closed off.

When Dinah still didn't answer, Normani slowly got up and put on her shoes. She was meaning to get those airplane tickets anyway, "I'll be back." She mutters, not even looking Dinah's way. As she closed the door, she heard Dinah mumble, "I love you too, Mani." Making her heart swell.

As she walked down the hallways of the hotel, she bumped into a person, "God damn!" The person says, not angrily, but almost as if she was surprised, "You'd think being this tall, people would see you." She laughed out. Normani looked up only to be blown away, "Megan?!" She asks. Megan looked up and grinned, "Girl, wassup! Look at you, still lookin the same!" She laughed out. Normani grins, "Same to you. Where have you been?" She asks. Megan scoffs, "Here. Where tall and sexy at?" She asks. Normani flashed a confused expression making Megan laugh, "Dinah? Where she at?" She asks.

Normani's eyes widened, "You met Dinah?" She asks. Megan nodded, "Yeah. Me and ole girl played b ball one on one at the park. She a pro." She compliments. Normani laughed, "Yeah, she's a good player. Speaking of which, our wedding is coming up... so, do you want to come?" She asks. Megan giggles, "Wouldn't miss it for the world. As long as I can bring Caresha and JT. And, my fiancé." She says. Normani gasps, "My wedding will turn hood real quick and I don't think Dinah is ready for that. And, did I hear you right? Fiancé?! You've been cuffed?!" She asks incredulously.

Megan shoves Normani gently, "Girl stop. I wasn't that bad. And yes, she's amazing." She says with a smile. Normani awwed and laughed, "That's cute or whatever. I gotta go though, also, my wedding's in California." She rushed out making Megan's jaw drop before running off, ignoring the shouts from the taller woman.

I'm sorry y'all. This is crucial for the story and you'll see soon. Next chapter starts off with them back in Cali

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