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Over the time, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn spent time together because Harry was always either locked in his bedroom or bathroom, Zayn would just sit around lost in his thoughts.

He was really missing his bestfriend.

And only Louis seemed to noticed this apparently, well either that or Niall and Liam chose not to comment on it.

"You okay there mate?" Louis questioned coming to sit near Zayn on the lounge chair by the pool.

Zayn just nooded sighing and getting up, "I'm gonna go for a walk." He mumbled when he was almost inside.

Louis couldn't believe this, they had literally begged their parents all year to allow them this vacation.

And now that they had it, Louis felt as though they were wasting it.

Harry had been cramped up in his room since they have been here, almost a month now, Zayn, well he's always in his own world.

Niall and Liam seemed to be enjoying themselves, apparently it was only Louis noticed the toxic vibes and athmosphere around them.

It was so toxic that Louis felt like he was constantly suffocating, drowning even.

He decided that he should clear his head, so he took a walk also deciding that tomorrow he'll confront Zayn and Harry about their weird behaviour.

He didn't understand what was wrong or what was going on between the two.

They seem to be avoiding each other like a plague.

Zayn, because he was feeling extremely guilty and Harry, because he was scared of Zayn.

Louis noticed that sometimes when Harry came out, he'd often rush off if he came into the kitchen, holding his hand by his mouth, he followed him a couple times all with him doing the same.

He was rushing of to go throw up.

Louis was just really confused with everyone's strange behaviour and it was frustrating him.

Just a filler, sorry if my book is shit....i tried🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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