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A few days later

Harry pov

Kaylee's 5th birthday was a few days ago, urgh, my baby's getting so big. She's growing up on me.

Yaser promised to take her to the zoo, so that's where we are going today.

I'm currently helping Kaylee get dressed, I'm picking out her outfit for her.

"No daddy, I don't wanna wear this, I wanna wear this. Kaylee no likes pink." She whined.

Well that's new, she never had a problem before with the clothes I picked out.

"Fine love you can wear that come let me help you."

"No daddy I can do it myself." She fussed when I took the dress from her.

"Fine, you can do it yourself, but you better not come crying to me to fix it for you young lady."

I left to got get myself dressed.

That was quick, I hear her fussing and footsteps coming to my room.

I smiled pretending I'm busy.

"Daddy can you help me?" She asked pouting.

"What do you want young lady?"

"Kaylee needs help daddy."

"But you said you can do it yourself young lady."

"But Kaylee can't." She pouted sadly.

"Fine I'll help you....young lady."

After I fixed her dress and styled her hair, she just stood there looking at me.


"Kaylee doesn't wanna be young lady, Kaylee wants to be baby."

"But you're big so you can't be my baby anymore, you can be young lady now!" I grinned.

She looked at me with teary eyes, "No! Kaylee's not young lady! Kaylee is daddy's baby!" She shouted.

I smiled picking her up, "No shouting, be a good girl and you'll be daddy's baby" I said pecking her forehead.

"Yes! Kaylee be good girl!" She said excitedly.

"Daddy come down!"

I pecked her forehead and put her down. She ran of downstairs, probably to her play room.

"Don't mess yourself baby!" I called after her.

I went downstairs to prepare some snacks for us while we're there, knowing Kaylee she'd be hungry again soon.

While I'm doing so I heard the door bell, knowing it's most likely Yaser, I sent Kaylee to get the door.

"Baby get the door please it's probably Pappy!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"Who is it love?" I asked since I didn't hear or see Yaser enter the kitchen.

"It's a man and a baby daddy!" She called out.

I frowned, we never get any visitors except Yaser, that's odd.

I walked out front to see who it was.

I stood there frozen, this can't be, I haven't seen him in years and he shows up now to my door.

"Hello Harreh."


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