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"YOU DID WHAT!" The three shouted in unison.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to I promise. It was an accident." Zayn apologised again close to tears.

Louis had enough of his shit, his patience was waring thin.

"Can you just stop pacing and apologising for one second and explain yourself properly!" Louis demanded.

"I-I was drunk I didn't mean to I promise." Zayn said with tears rolling down his cheeks, he wasn't lying though.

It was a drunken accident and he didn't mean it. The guilt was eating him up on the inside, he couldn't believe he had hurt his friend like that.

With seeing Zayn like this, his demeanor softened up a bit, he knew how close Zayn and Harry were and for him to do this and not remember but to find out like this must have really hurt him.

Louis hugged him while Zayn sobbed on his shoulder, finally letting out all the emotions he pent up over those weeks.

He patted his back a bit,"When did this happen?"

Louis questioned, he already had an idea of when because there was only once they all got pissed drunk and that's when they went clubbing.

"When we went clubbing." Zayn mumbled out sniffling and Louis pulled out from the hug.

"Seriously Zayn! That was almost a month ago, you could have said something!" Zayn flinched when Louis yelled again.

"I'm sorry,  I just-Icouldn't-I didn't want to believe I did that to my best friend Lou. I didn't....he's my bestfriend, I love him like a brother. I couldn't believe I hurt him like that. I just-I just couldn't."

He was full on sobbing now, his legs gave way, he was on the ground now heaving for air.

"Louis I think he's having a panic attack." Liam called out.

Louis crouched down to his level, putting his hands on his shoulders to stop his rocking movements.

"Zayn! Zayn I need you to calm down. Copy my breathing, in out in out in out, there you go, again in out." Louis managed to calm him down a bit and get his breathing back to normal.

Urgh....this was awful😬😬

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