babe! its 4 pm! time for ezra to dump their hcs on you!!🤑🤑

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ok guys there might be alot more than i first intended but if you love my art that much then youll read one of them 😈😈😈

ok ready hoes??!.?!.! naww yall aint ready 🤣🤣🤣🤣

days union hc section

-horrid is trans mtf/male to female and is ace/aro and shes neptunic. why? because im always right!!

and since horrid and benevolent were canonically together,,, her and avastia/benevolent had met at a masquerade ball and then they got to know eachother anr then they ended up dating like girlbosses and then they had one kid (canon btw but im not caught up with the lore)

rad ant and unstable have tea parties together and they invite all of the other operatives but only benevolent dreadful placid and scary pull up because them bitches got nuthn else better 2 do 😋😋 (sometimes great and macabre will show up) benevolent might bring some food to it like cake or pasta or sumn since everyone loves their cooking skills 🤑

great loves cats!!! im his admin and i confirm this 🙏🙏 /j he has a siamese cat thats scruffy as hell and missing one eye but its okay because he dont discriminate against kitties and its name is mango and it be livin the good life 😪😪

the one thing radiant is good at other than being a smooth dude is making baked potatoes idc what yall say but he deffo makes em better then benevolent 😨😨

dreadful has at one point put metal in a microwave without knowing what itll do (dont try it)

unstable has eaten a whole jar of vitamin gummies without knowing how deadly it can be and had to be taken to benevolent to help

unpredictable would deffo doodle in the middle of meetings but then get snitched on my unstable 😐😐😐😐

unpredictable also buys clay and sculpts out the randomest shit

emotionless is a coffee lover and likes triangles domt ask why this came up

benevolent cant stand any alcohol other than champagne and will not drink alcohol if its not that

sorrowful is bigender im doing the entire community a favor /j 😊😊😊😊

placid will only eat green apple jolly ranchers (hes right in every aspect)

gasa4/get a snack at 4 am hcs (therss alot an dyou guys arent ready 😪😪) i have to separate them into characters


prns: he/him (i made him a cissie ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ BUT NOT A CISHET HAHA!!!)
sexuality: aromantic omnisexual (male/male-aligned leaning)
height: 5'9 or 5'10

genetically tanned cashier (if he wasnt robloxified or sumn) 🤝 me [wink]

hes insanely afraid of ladybugs

a stoner (dont do weed guys but im not you so idk)

his visor covers his eyes and when hes not wearing it his hair covers them

speaking of his eyes!!; i think he has hazel brown eyes 🤤🤤

he paints his nails black most of the time but will sometimes add messy patterns and different colors

hard to crack a smile on but dummy can do it in no time 😍😍
(i made them bof gay 4 eachotehr because whatever you say, these hoes do not be straight and are in fact, walking fruit cups)

hes actually really funny

hates people


prns: they/them

sexuality: asexual uranic

height: 5'7

has kinda like semi-long hair?? idfk the length i havent decided yet

they really like sweaters like really likes em

its kinda clingy to cashier but its okay because cashier has a soft spot for them 😵😵

maybe a kleptomaniac 😦😦 picks random shit up and puts in in a jar of other things they collected

appreciates the little things in the world [TO THE PPL THAT DO THIS ILY /P 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏]

puts stickers on cahsiers face (preferably heart or star stickers 🤩🤩)


this hoe cannot swim fo SHIT.

prns: xe/xem (agender)

sexuality: ace/aro

height: 5'5

prolly picks up bugs and bottles them up and makes a home for them so xe can show father figure

father figure

cishet 😓😓😓 but hes an #ally so dont worry

i cant think of anything else for him sorry yall ☹️☹️
maybe next time when my mind goes god mode and begins thinkin all deez things

bye homosexuals im off to africa :girlboss strut:

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